Financial analyst Lesley-Anne Scorgie presents the ultimate guide for young people looking to boost their finances. Think you can’t be rich by thirty? Think again! The earlier you make savvy decisions with your finances, the more successful you can be because time is on your side. And you don’t need thousands of dollars or a hefty inheritance to get started. In fact, most young millionaires began by saving a few dollars each week – the cost of a ...
A comprehensive history of roads and road-building in Ontario. In this beautifully illustrated book, virtually every facet of the road building industry in Ontario is discussed, from labour relations to safety, politics, and financing. Follow the history of road-building technology from the first crude trails hacked through dense forests by homesteaders to the corduroy roads, planks roads, stone roads, macadam pavements, hot mix asphalt paveme ...
Redpath, today a household name for sugar in Canada, has its roots in the story of an enterprising Scots immigrant, initially a stone mason and later a building contractor during the boom days of Montreal’s growth from a small provincial centre to a major North American city. In 1854, the ever-energetic John Redpath, by then a self-made millionaire in his late fifties, launched a new career as an industrialist. With his son, Peter, and the gifte ...
Этот текст – сокращенная версия книги Уолтера Айзексона «Стив Джобс». Только самые ценные мысли, идеи, кейсы, примеры. Эта книга была написана при жизни Стива Джобса, по его просьбе и при его активном участии. Комментарии к подробной биографии оставили сотни людей, которые были свидетелями его взлетов и падений, триумфов и сомнений. Автор рассказывает историю создания многочисленных продуктов компании Apple: от Apple 1 до iPhone, подчеркивая, ...
The author is a successful CEO who grew her company into a 400-person company operating in 3 States, yet found her success leaving her lacking. She is supporting this book with an aggressive marketing plan, including PR event nationwide. In this book, she details her transformation to a fulfilled life. Readers will learn: – How to get rejuvenated despite a hectic schedule – Crushing self-sabotage – Moving from life in a ...
Driven to Succeed is an incredible story of success from one of the most unlikely places on the planet. The story develops on a First Nation reservation, in northern Canada. The child of a single mom of 4, living on welfare, was forever changed through a simple act service. Never has a detailed story been told of life on the rez, set in a backdrop where diabetes and alcoholism is common. You will be inspired as you witness how one child chos ...
The myth of the Chosen One has been handed down throughout history. These rare individuals are supposedly selected for greatness from a higher source, and possess knowledge, wisdom, and skills others do not. We see this myth in classic movies and books such as Star Wars and Harry Potter. How did they get chosen? How do we access this exclusive club? Astonishingly, we do it by choosing ourselves for greatness. This simple mental choice unlocks ...