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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual

Логистика - это важная составляющая современного бизнеса, которая позволяет эффективно управлять потоком товаров и информации от производителя к конечному потребителю. В современном мире, где скорость и точность играют решающую роль, логистика становится неотъемлемым элементом успеха любой компании. От правильной организации логистических процессов зависит не только удовлетворение потребностей покупателей, но и экономический успех предприятия. ... Читать полностью

 Joan Garry's Guide to Nonprofit Leadership
 Joan Garry's Guide to Nonprofit Leadership

 Автор: Joan Garry

  In a world where the old rules no longer apply, nonprofit leadership is more important than ever  Now in its second edition, Joan Garry’s Guide to Nonprofit Leadership is a must-have resource for organizations of all shapes and sizes wanting to make a bigger difference in the world. Filled with real-life stories and concrete strategies, this practical guide helps develop the specialized skills and mindset needed to successfully lead and ma
 Joan Garry's Guide to Nonprofit Leadership
 Joan Garry's Guide to Nonprofit Leadership

 Автор: Joan Garry
 The Digital War
 The Digital War

 Автор: Winston Ma

  What new directions in China’s digital economy mean for us all   China is the largest homogenous digital market on Earth: unified by language, culture, and mobile payments. Not only a consumer market of unrivaled size, it’s also a vast and hyperactive innovation ecosystem for new technologies. And as China’s digital economy moves from a consumer-focused phase to an enterprise-oriented one, Chinese companies are rushing to capitalize on ways th

 Sustainable Management for Managers and Engineers
 Sustainable Management for Managers and Engineers

 Автор: Группа авторов

  In a competitive and complex world, where requirements from different fields are ever-growing, organizations need to be responsible for their actions in their respective markets. However, this responsibility must not be deemed one-time-only but instead should be seen as a continuous process, under which organizations ought to effectively use the different resources to allow them to meet the present and future requirements of their stakeholders.
 Financial Information and Brand Value
 Financial Information and Brand Value

 Автор: Yves-Alain Ach

  The brand is the company's most important asset. In their financial statements, companies are faced with a lack of accounting recognition for the brands they have created, and value recognition for the brands they have acquired. This book studies the nature, characteristics and determinants of brand information published in companies' annual and financial reports. It presents case studies on the methods of evaluating and developing bra
 Dual Innovation Systems
 Dual Innovation Systems

 Автор: Francois-Xavier Meunier
 Facilities Manager's Desk Reference
 Facilities Manager's Desk Reference

 Автор: Jane M. Wiggins
 The Case for a Four Day Week
 The Case for a Four Day Week

 Автор: Anna Coote

  Not so long ago, people thought that a ten-hour, six-day week was normal; now, it’s the eight-hour, five-day week. Will that soon be history too? In this book, three leading experts argue why it should be. They map out a pragmatic pathway to a shorter working week that safeguards earnings for the lower-paid and keeps the economy flourishing. They argue that this radical vision will give workers time to be better parents and carers, allow men an
 Dual Innovation Systems
 Dual Innovation Systems

 Автор: Francois-Xavier Meunier
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Oracle PL/SQL Programming
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