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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Организация офиса
 It's Not the How or the What but the Who
 It's Not the How or the What but the Who

 Автор: Клаудио Фернандес-Араос

  Succeed by mastering the art of the whoWhy surround yourself with the best? Because it matters—in all aspects of life.In fact, in professional environments, getting people right—what global leadership authority Claudio Fernández-Aráoz calls “the art of great ‘who’ decisions”—marks the difference between success and failure. To thrive, you need to identify those wi
 Finance Basics (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
 Finance Basics (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

 Автор: Harvard Business Review

  Intimidated by corporate finance? The numbers (and the jargon) can feel overwhelming–but you have to understand them to manage effectively. Finance Basics explains the fundamentals simply and quickly, introducing you to key terms and concepts such as:How to navigate financial statementsHow to weigh costs and benefitsWhat’s involved in budgeting and forecastingHow to gauge a company's financial health Don't have much time? Get up t
 Global Dexterity
 Global Dexterity

 Автор: Andy Molinsky

  “I wrote this book because I believe that there is a serious gap in what has been written and communicated about cross-cultural management and what people actually struggle with on the ground.”—From the IntroductionWhat does it mean to be a global worker and a true “citizen of the world” today? It goes beyond merely acknowledging cultural differences. In reality, it means you are able to adapt your

 Work Smarter, Rule Your Email
 Work Smarter, Rule Your Email

 Автор: Alexandra Samuel

  If you’re looking for a way to more effectively manage your inbox, your email program’s built-in filtering tools can do a lot of the heavy lifting—and this short book by social media expert Alexandra Samuel shows you how to set them up. Samuel walks you through tools and tips for:• Using your email program’s filing and rules capabilities to allow you to focus on the messages that matter most right
 Work Smarter with LinkedIn
 Work Smarter with LinkedIn

 Автор: Alexandra Samuel

  If you think LinkedIn is just for job hunting, you’re missing out on the many ways you can take advantage of this social network to build the professional relationships you need to advance in your career. LinkedIn can help you initiate, strengthen, and use the very real human connections that make you effective on the job—and help you get ahead. This short, practical book shows you how.In Work Smarter with LinkedIn, social med
 Work Smarter with Twitter and HootSuite
 Work Smarter with Twitter and HootSuite

 Автор: Alexandra Samuel

  You’re on Twitter but can’t keep up with the onslaught of incoming messages. You’re also not sure how to extract value from this social media phenomenon—especially as a professional tool.In Work Smarter with Twitter and HootSuite, social media expert Alexandra Samuel helps you take Twitter to the next level by using the free tool HootSuite, which allows you to focus on the people whose tweets matter to you
 Open Windows, Closed Doors
 Open Windows, Closed Doors

 Автор: Guntur Sugiyarto

  The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has signed mutual recognition arrangements in the tourism sector and in six regulated occupations: accountancy, architecture, dentistry, engineering, medicine, and nursing. By setting standardized rules for mutual recognition, ASEAN members have made it easier for professionals to have their qualifications recognized across the region. Although these arrangements share nearly identical objective
 Achieving Skill Mobility in the ASEAN Economic Community
 Achieving Skill Mobility in the ASEAN Economic Community

 Автор: Demetrios G. Papademetriou

  Despite clear aspirations by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to create an effective and transparent framework to facilitate movements among skilled professionals within the ASEAN by December 2015, progress has been slow and uneven. This report examines the challenges ASEAN member states face in achieving the goal of greater mobility for the highly skilled, including hurdles in recognizing professional qualifications, opening u
 Shadow Work
 Shadow Work

 Автор: Craig Lambert

  With the exception of sleep, humans spend more of their lifetimes on work than any other activity. It is central to our economy, society, and the family. It underpins our finances and our sense of meaning in life. Given the overriding importance of work, we need to recognize a profound transformation in the nature of work that is significantly altering lives: the incoming tidal wave of shadow work.Shadow work includes all the unpaid tasks we do
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