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 Архитектурные конструкции
 Extending and Improving Your Home. An Introduction
 Extending and Improving Your Home. An Introduction

 Автор: Billington M. J.

  Written for small builders and tradesmen such as bricklayers and carpenters, as well as householders wanting to provide more space and enhanced living conditions without the substantial cost of moving house. While there are many books that deal with the construction aspects of extending a house, there are few sources that combine the planning, construction and regulatory aspects into one easily accessible source. Extending and Improving a Home m
 The Design Manager's Handbook
 The Design Manager's Handbook

 Автор: Eynon John

  Design management as a recognised role in the built environment industry is relatively new, initially arising from the need for better co-ordination and delivery of design information from design teams to main contractors – particularly important as procurement routes involving contractor led design have become much more commonplace. The advent of design packages driven by specialist sub-contractors has also increased the need for co-ordination
 Barry's Introduction to Construction of Buildings
 Barry's Introduction to Construction of Buildings

 Автор: Emmitt Stephen

  The five volume series, Barry's Construction of Buildings, has been established as a standard text on building technology for many years. However, a substantial update has long been required, and while doing this the opportunity has been taken to reduce five volumes to two in a more user-friendly format. The introductory volume covers domestic construction and brings together material from volumes 1, 2 and part of 5. The extensive revision inclu

 Barry's Introduction to Construction of Buildings
 Barry's Introduction to Construction of Buildings

 Автор: Emmitt Stephen

  Robin Barry's Construction of Buildings was first published in 1958 in 5 volumes, rapidly becoming a standard text on construction. In its current 2 volume format Barry remains hugely popular with both students and lecturers of construction and related disciplines. The third edition of Barry’s Introduction to Construction of Buildings provides the basic material you will need to understand the construction process for the majority of low rise bu

 Автор: Hans-Wolf Reinhardt

  The book is no encyclopedia of construction materials but rather a systematic description with the emphasis on the basics of material behaviour in order to assist the understanding of the dependencies of the material constants, which are not actually constants.

 Автор: R. Treloar D.

  The 4th edition of Plumbing continues to provide the definitive single volume text on plumbing, heating and gas installation work, ideal for students working towards their Diploma in plumbing or NVQ/SVQ at levels 2 and 3. Highly illustrated and easy to read and understand, it tackles plumbing topic by topic, in double page spreads with text, full colour illustrations, and clear photographs, enabling the reader to grasp the essentials quickly and
 Loft Conversions
 Loft Conversions

 Автор: John Coutts

  Pressure on space and changes in planning law mean that loft conversions are now at the forefront in the race to improve the performance of Britain's ageing housing stock. Since 1990, roof space conversions have increased UK housing capacity by more than 200 million square feet – a living area equivalent to a medium-sized city – without the loss of a single square foot of greenfield land. Loft Conversions is the definitive technical guide to the
 Managing Construction Projects
 Managing Construction Projects

 Автор: Graham Winch M.

  Project management is of critical importance in construction, yet its execution poses major challenges. In order to keep a project on track, decisions often have to be made before all the necessary information is available. Drawing on a wide range of research, Managing Construction Projects proposes new ways of thinking about project management in construction, exploring the skills required to manage uncertainty and offering techniques for think
 Self Compacting Concrete
 Self Compacting Concrete

 Автор: Ahmed Loukili

  Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a relatively new building material. Nowadays, its use is progressively changing the method of concrete placement on building sites. However, the successful use of SCC requires a good understanding of the behavior of this material, which is vastly different from traditional concrete. For this purpose, a lot of research has been conducted on this area all over the world since 10 years. Intended for both practition
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