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Архитектурные конструкции

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     :Горное дело
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       :Архитектурные конструкции
       :Благоустройство территории
       :Основы строительства
       :Отдельные виды строительства
       :Проектирование в строительстве
       :Строительные конструкции
       :Строительные материалы
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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Архитектурные конструкции

Архитектура - это один из наиболее важных аспектов нашей культуры и повседневной жизни. Она воплощает в себе творчество, инженерные решения, эстетику и функциональность. В своем стремлении создать уникальные и прочные сооружения, архитекторы используют различные архитектурные конструкции. Эти конструкции не только придают зданию его форму и стиль, но и обеспечивают его прочность и долговечность. ... Читать полностью

 Учебное архитектурно-строительное проектирование. Практико-ориентированный подход
 Учебное архитектурно-строительное проектирование. Практико-ориентированный подход

 Автор: В. С. Грызлов
 Год: 2019
 Mauerwerk Kalender 2018
 Mauerwerk Kalender 2018

 Автор: Wolfram Jager
 New Code of Estimating Practice
 New Code of Estimating Practice

 Автор: CIOB (The Chartered Institute of Building)

  The essential, authoritative guide to providing accurate, systematic, and reliable estimating for construction projects—newly revised Pricing and bidding for construction work is at the heart of every construction business, and in the minds of construction consultants’ poor bids lead to poor performance and nobody wins. New Code of Estimating Practice examines the processes of estimating and pricing, providing best practice guidelines for those

 Beton-Kalender 2018
 Beton-Kalender 2018

 Автор: Konrad Bergmeister

  Fur den Entwurf wirtschaftlicher Tragwerke mit minimaler Instandsetzung werden der neueste Stand der Technik bei WU-Konstruktionen und des Oberflachenschutzes dargestellt. Aktuell sind BIM mit Beispielen, vereinfachter Nachweis der Feuerwiderstandsdauer und Brandbeanspruchung.
 The Bluebeam Guidebook
 The Bluebeam Guidebook

 Автор: Rachel Attebery

  Expert tips for the last piece in the paperless puzzle The Bluebeam Guidebook offers comprehensive coverage of the industry’s leading PDF tool to help AEC professionals adopt a more efficient digital workflow. With desktop, mobile, and server-based products, Bluebeam makes collaboration and document coordination seamless, and provides a perfect complement to BIM software. This book shows you how to push the boundaries and discover the software’s
 Roofing Ready Reckoner
 Roofing Ready Reckoner

 Автор: R. Goss

  Now fully revised, the third edition of this renowned book by Ralph Goss has been made even more valuable with the addition of many new illustrations, and takes into account not only traditional cut roof construction but also modern trussed rafter roof assembly methods. Revised by C.N. Mindham, author of Roof Construction and Loft Conversion, this new edition contains many new drawings of constructional details for which his own book is much acc
 Gas Installation Technology
 Gas Installation Technology

 Автор: R. Treloar D.

  This book provides the definitive text for students taking NVQ gas installation and plumbing courses. It presents essential information in a concise format and the text is well illustrated with diagrams and photographs. It should provide the first textbook aimed solely at students learning the subject of gas and follows the same approach as Roy Treloar's highly successful textbook, Plumbing. It covers domestic, commercial and LPG installations.
 Gas Installation Technology
 Gas Installation Technology

 Автор: R. Treloar D.

  The second edition of Gas Installation Technology will be of interest to all concerned with gas installation work, whether plumbers, heating engineers or dedicated gas fitters. It continues to provide a definitive text for students taking NVQ gas installation and plumbing courses, and a useful reference for operatives renewing their gas competences. Brought fully up to date to comply with the latest regulations and best practices, it covers dome
 Effective Project Management
 Effective Project Management

 Автор: Garth G. F. Ward

  A practical and accessible guide to managing a successful project Effective Project Management is based around an activities and action check list approach to project management. It provides a guide to the basic principles and the disciplines that managers need to master in order to be successful. The author’s check lists approach (based on his years of practical experience on projects) ensure that project managers are following valid processes,
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