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       :Благоустройство территории
       :Основы строительства
       :Отдельные виды строительства
       :Проектирование в строительстве
       :Строительные конструкции
       :Строительные материалы
       :Технология строительного производства
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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Благоустройство территории

Благоустройство территории является одним из важных аспектов развития городов и населенных пунктов. Это процесс, направленный на создание комфортного и функционального пространства для жителей и посетителей. Благоустройство включает в себя озеленение, обустройство дорожной инфраструктуры, установку малых архитектурных форм, а также создание зон отдыха и общественных мест. В результате этих мероприятий вся территория приобретает ухоженный вид, что способствует повышению качества жизни и привлекательности города. ... Читать полностью

 Cudowna moc roslin. Zielone uzdrowicielki ciala i duszy
 Cudowna moc roslin. Zielone uzdrowicielki ciala i duszy

 Автор: Fran Bailey

 Sports Fields
 Sports Fields

 Автор: James C. Puhalla
 Feminist City - A Field Guide (Unabridged)
 Feminist City - A Field Guide (Unabridged)

 Автор: Leslie Kern

  Feminist City: A Field Guide combines memoir, feminist theory, pop culture, and geography to expose what is hidden in plain sight: the social inequalities built right into our cities, homes, and neighbourhoods. Focusing on gendered experiences of the city, the books grapples with the challenge of claiming urban space amongst barriers designed to keep women «in their place.» From the geography of rape culture to the politics of snow removal, the

 Leipzig - Neubau, Sanierung und Verfall
 Leipzig - Neubau, Sanierung und Verfall

 Автор: Frank Cobb Walter

  Das in seiner 5. Auflage erschienene digitale Buch «Leipzig – Neubau, Sanierung und Verfall» dokumentiert die Veranderung Leipzigs in dem Zeitraum 2004 bis 2020. Trotz eines wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruchs nach der Wende, konnten sich in Leipzig recht schnell wichtige neue Industriezweige und Dienstleistungsbetriebe etablieren, was den wirtschaftlichen Neubeginn der Stadt in wesentlichem Ma?e unterstutzte. Im Zuge dieser Neuorientierung erfolgt
 Organic Hobby Farming
 Organic Hobby Farming

 Автор: Andy Tomolonis

  In Organic Hobby Farming, Andy Tomolonis, a longtime organic gardener, part-time hobby farmer, and award-winning Boston-area journalist, strips down the concept of “organic” and explains why natural farming has emerged as the healthiest and most viable method of growing for hobby farms and other small-scale operations. In addition to the improved taste and the appeal of excluding toxic materials, organic farming benefits farme
 Quick & Easy Home DIY Manual
 Quick & Easy Home DIY Manual

 Автор: Matt Weber

  For the first time homeowner and the venerable household-handyman, there is no better resource than this ultimate DIY manual. Learn how to prepare for unwelcome surprises as well as how to handle them when they inevitably happen. With high-quality design, intricate detail, and a durable flexicover—this manual is the perfect gift!
 Plant Families - How To Know Them
 Plant Families - How To Know Them

 Автор: H. E. Jaques

  “Plant Families – How To Know Them” is a 1948 guide to identifying plants by H. E. Jaques. It aims to teach the reader how to readily attribute any and every plant they see to its proper family, as well as to provide them with a general understanding of the characteristics of said family of trees. This accessible and profusely-illustrated guide will appeal to nature lovers and is not to be missed by those with a keen interest in gardening. Conte
 Propagation of Plants by Cuttings, Layers, Division, and Seed - With Information on Propagation for the Home Gardener
 Propagation of Plants by Cuttings, Layers, Division, and Seed - With Information on Propagation for the Home Gardener

 Автор: Peter Henderson A.

  This vintage book contains a comprehensive guide to propagating plants, specially designed for the novice or home gardener. With clear instructions and helpful diagrams, this book walks the budding gardener through every step from preparation and planning to cutting, layering, dividing, seeding, and beyond. This classic guide is highly recommended for those looking for an accessible introduction to the world gardening, and it would make for a wo
 Fruit Growing - With Information on Location, Varieties, Selection, Soils and Other Aspects of Fruit Growing
 Fruit Growing - With Information on Location, Varieties, Selection, Soils and Other Aspects of Fruit Growing

 Автор: Liberty Hyde Bailey

  This botanical book details the intricacies of commercial fruit-growing from preparation to cultivation, harvesting, and, finally, packaging and sale. An interesting and insightful book, Fruit Growing is a compete manual for the commercial fruit-grower, containing timelessly important information imperative to the success of such endeavours to this day. Written by the prolific Liberty Hyde Bailey, this text is a must-have for any prospective far
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