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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 The End of Competitive Advantage
 The End of Competitive Advantage

 Автор: Rita Gunther McGrath

  Are you at risk of being trapped in an uncompetitive business?Chances are the strategies that worked well for you even a few years ago no longer deliver the results you need. Dramatic changes in business have unearthed a major gap between traditional approaches to strategy and the way the real world works now.In short, strategy is stuck. Most leaders are using frameworks that were designed for a different era of business and based on a single do
 Big Data at Work
 Big Data at Work

 Автор: Томас Дэвенпорт
 Seven Strategy Questions
 Seven Strategy Questions

 Автор: Robert Simons

  To stay ahead of the pack, you must translate your organization's competitive strategy into the day-to-day actions carried out in your company. That means channeling resources into the right efforts, achieving the right balance between innovation and control, and getting everyone pulling in the same direction. How to keep all this on track?Identify critical gaps in your strategy execution processes, focus on the most important choices you m

 The Pirate Organization
 The Pirate Organization

 Автор: Rodolphe Durand

  A short history of piracy and capitalismWhen capitalism spread along the trade routes toward the Indies…when radio opened an era of mass communication . . . when the Internet became part of the global economy…pirates were there. And although most people see pirates as solitary anarchists out to destroy capitalism, it turns out the opposite is true. They are the ones who forge the path.In The Pirate Organization, Rodolphe Durand
 Managing Global Innovation
 Managing Global Innovation

 Автор: Yves L. Doz

  The key to bridging your global innovation gapIn today’s global economy, it would be short-sighted to rely solely on local resources for new-product innovations. Instead, knowledge and activity critical to innovation most likely lie outside your company’s home territories—sometimes far outside. And this distance makes it harder than ever to obtain and integrate these resources, eating away at your competitive edge.Ho
 Building a Growth Factory
 Building a Growth Factory

 Автор: David S. Duncan

  Introducing the Four Components That Make Innovation RepeatableEven the best-performing companies eventually stall. Sustaining momentum—and remaining a great growth company—takes a system.Scott Anthony and David Duncan call this system a “Growth Factory.” They’ve seen it work in a small set of elite companies that have created environments where innovation is both repeatable and reliable, not relega
 The Architecture of Innovation
 The Architecture of Innovation

 Автор: Joshua Lerner

  Find the right innovation modelInnovation is a much-used buzzword these days, but when it comes to creating and implementing a new idea, many companies miss the mark—plans backfire, consumer preferences shift, or tried-and-true practices fail to work in a new context. So is innovation just a low-odds crapshoot?In The Architecture of Innovation, Harvard Business School professor Josh Lerner—one of the foremost experts on how inn

 Автор: Rita Gunther McGrath

  Robust methods to identify new growth opportunitiesYOUR SHAREHOLDERS DEMAND growth; your company needs growth; and your career can suffer or soar because of how you drive growth—or don’t. While executives often talk about their great growth plans, very few of these plans actually deliver real gains in growth and profitability. How do some companies manage to beat the odds and bust through the obstacles that make explosive grow
 The Essential Advantage
 The Essential Advantage

 Автор: Paul Leinwand

  Conventional wisdom on strategy is no longer a reliable guide. In Essential Advantage, Booz & Company's Cesare Mainardi and Paul Leinwand maintain that success in any market accrues to firms with coherence: a tight match between their strategic direction and the capabilities that make them unique.Achieving this clarity takes a sharpness of focus that only exceptional companies have mastered. This book helps you identify your firm's
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