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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Tuberculosis and the Tubercle Bacillus
 Tuberculosis and the Tubercle Bacillus

 Автор: Группа авторов
 От испанки до COVID-19. Хроники нападений вирусов
 От испанки до COVID-19. Хроники нападений вирусов

 Автор: Валерий Новоселов
 Год: 2020

  Люди стали жить дольше. Это неоспоримый факт, как и то, что продолжительность жизни увеличилась не за счет пребывания состоянии юности, молодости или зрелости, а за счет удлинения периода старости. Этого не могли не заметить и другие обитатели планет – вирусы, которые молниеносно мутируют, взламывая защитные функции организма. Перед вами историко-медицинское исследование врача-гериатра, невролога и нейрофизиолога Валерия Новоселова о двух крупне
 If I Get Sick, Will I Die? | A Children's Disease Book (Learning about Diseases)
 If I Get Sick, Will I Die? | A Children's Disease Book (Learning about Diseases)

 Автор: Baby Professor

  Sickness does not always lead to deaths. There are common diseases that can be cured through rest, balanced nutrition, fluids and medicines. But there are also illnesses that are really serious; they would warrant a trip to the emergency room. Let’s learn to differentiate between these classes of illnesses so you would know how to react if ever you catch them. Learn from this book today!

 What Are Germs and Why Do They Make You Sick? | A Children's Disease Book (Learning About Diseases)
 What Are Germs and Why Do They Make You Sick? | A Children's Disease Book (Learning About Diseases)

 Автор: Baby Professor

  Let’s talk about germs and why things so tiny can bring so much harm to the body. Such a knowledge will help make it easier for you to introduce good hygiene and healthy eating to defeat germs. The purpose of knowledge is not to make kids afraid but to empower them enough to make informed decisions. Read this copy today.
 Why Do People Get Sick? | A Children's Disease Book (Learning about Diseases)
 Why Do People Get Sick? | A Children's Disease Book (Learning about Diseases)

 Автор: Baby Professor

  Let’s take a look into the scientific world of diseases. This learning book is an excellent resource when it comes to improving your child’s knowledge about his/her environment and how it affects his/her health. The use of images and texts will make learning a lot more entertaining. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and secure a copy today.
 Germs, Fungus and Other Stuff That Makes Us Sick | A Children's Disease Book (Learning about Diseases)
 Germs, Fungus and Other Stuff That Makes Us Sick | A Children's Disease Book (Learning about Diseases)

 Автор: Baby Professor

  Learn about the microscopic germs that make you sick! This interactive picture book will take you to the ultra small world of germs and viruses. Its purpose is to help you understand the origins of disease and what can be done to prevent infections. This book is definitely an excellent addition to your educational collection. Grab a copy today!
 What Makes People Sick and Will I Catch It? | A Children's Disease Book (Learning about Diseases)
 What Makes People Sick and Will I Catch It? | A Children's Disease Book (Learning about Diseases)

 Автор: Baby Professor

  How do you empower children against diseases? You give them the facts, of course! Learning about diseases has never been so easy with the help of this learning book. Read about germs and viruses and how they can be defeated with good hygiene and healthy eating. Encourage your child to read this wonderful learning resource today!
 Biological and Environmental Control of Disease Vectors
 Biological and Environmental Control of Disease Vectors

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Covering the theory and practice of non-insecticidal control of insect vectors of human disease, this book provides an overview of methods including the use of botanical biocides and insect-derived semiochemicals, with an overall focus on integrated vector management strategies. While the mainstay of malaria control programmes relies on pesticides, there is a resurgence in the research and utilisation of non-insecticidal control measures due to
 The Next Pandemic
 The Next Pandemic

 Автор: Betsy McCaughey

  America is suffering from two public health crises. One is caused by a virus. The other, a brutal economic shutdown, is something we have brought on ourselves. Both the virus and the shutdown are deadly. But many more Americans will likely die from getting laid off than from the virus.The shutdown wasn’t caused by the virus. It was a frantic response to America’s unpreparedness. For more than two decades, a dozen official reports sounded the ala
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