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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)

Наше зрение является одним из самых ценных чувств, позволяющим нам воспринимать мир вокруг нас. Каждый день мы полагаемся на наше зрение, чтобы выполнять различные задачи, начиная от чтения и работы до просто наслаждения красотой окружающего нас мира. Сегодня мы поговорим об офтальмологии – отрасли медицины, посвященной исследованию и лечению заболеваний глаз. ... Читать полностью

 Visual Perception Problems in Children with AD/HD, Autism, and Other Learning Disabilities
 Visual Perception Problems in Children with AD/HD, Autism, and Other Learning Disabilities

 Автор: Lisa A. Kurtz

  This book provides a comprehensive overview of vision problems in children with developmental disabilities such as AD/HD, autism spectrum disorders, and specific learning disabilities. Written in a very accessible style, it is appropriate for parents and professionals alike and offers non-technical explanations of how vision difficulties are screened for and advice on where to seek appropriate professional care. Lisa Kurtz outlines a range of a
 Seeing Through New Eyes
 Seeing Through New Eyes

 Автор: Melvin Kaplan

  Seeing Through New Eyes offers an accessible introduction to the treatment of visual dysfunction, a significant but neglected problem associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and other developmental disabilities. Dr. Kaplan identifies common ASD symptoms such as hand-flapping, poor eye contact and tantrums as typical responses to the confusion caused by vision disorder. He also explains the effects of difficulties that people with autis
 How Behavioral Optometry Can Unlock Your Child's Potential
 How Behavioral Optometry Can Unlock Your Child's Potential

 Автор: Joel H. Warshowsky

  Visual dysfunctions can limit children's concentration, self esteem and school success as they struggle to understand fundamentals such as colors, letters and how to judge distance. With the right help, these obstacles can be overcome, allowing children to reach their full potential and see the world clearly. This accessible book explores how visual problems develop and how they can be reversed through effective and efficient visual therap

 Better Vision Now
 Better Vision Now

 Автор: Clara A. Hackett

  Thinking about laser eye surgery? Tired of glasses and contacts? Take a look at this easy-to-follow, step-by-step method for improving poor vision. Hackett's innovative self-help guide includes a basic 12-week program of simple routines and drills that are recommended for correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness, crossed eyes, color-blindness, glaucoma, cataracts, and other serious eye problems. Incorporating Dr. William H. Bates' tr
 Изменение органа зрения при заболеваниях внутренних органов
 Изменение органа зрения при заболеваниях внутренних органов

 Автор: Д. И. Трухан
 Год: 2014

  В пособии приведены обобщенные данные об изменениях органа зрения при заболеваниях внутренних органов. Подробно рассматривается влияние лекарственных препаратов, применяемых для лечения заболеваний внутренних органов, на состояние органа зрения. Рассмотрены вопросы оказания неотложной помощи при возможных ургентных ситуациях на офтальмологическом приеме. При подготовке учебного пособия были использованы материалы последних научных и научно-пра
 Ophthalmology Q&A Board Review
 Ophthalmology Q&A Board Review

 Автор: Lora R. Dagi Glass

  Looking for an efficient and thorough question-based Ophthalmology review for residency exams, board review and beyond? Look no further! Ophthalmology Q&A Board Review features a compilation of board review questions curated by expert subspecialists and edited by Harvard- and Columbia University-trained ophthalmologist Lora Glass. The text mirrors the multiple-choice format of the Written Qualifying Examination (WQE) portion of th
 Video Atlas of Anterior Segment Repair and Reconstruction
 Video Atlas of Anterior Segment Repair and Reconstruction

 Автор: Amar Agarwal

  The quintessential video atlas on anterior segment surgery from world-renowned pioneer and international experts! Disorders of the anterior segment are a leading cause of ocular morbidity. As a result of structural abnormalities associated with trauma, degeneration, developmental disorders, or iatrogenic causes, reconstruction is required. Significant breakthroughs have been made in anterior segment reconstructive approaches, including the
 Optimizing Suboptimal Results Following Cataract Surgery
 Optimizing Suboptimal Results Following Cataract Surgery

 Автор: Priya Narang

  A concise review and comprehensive guide to improving cataract surgery outcomes Significant advances have been made in refractive surgery in the last decade. Eye surgeons today can leverage many cutting-edge intraocular lens (IOL) technologies such as multifocal, extended depth of field, toric, accommodating, and aspheric. Concurrent innovations including optics, phacoemulsification, superior keratometry and biometry, and posterior cornea e
 Pseudophakic Monovision
 Pseudophakic Monovision

 Автор: Alan Sugar

  A state-of-the-art resource on successful management of intraocular lens monovision Pseudophakic Monovision: A Clinical Guide by renowned ophthalmologic surgery experts Fuxiang Zhang, Alan Sugar, and Graham Barrett reflects decades of robust academic research, with comprehensive discussion of the pseudophakic lens. Pseudophakic monovision is frequently used as a strategy for presbyopia correction in cataract surgery patients, with high sa
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