Автор: Susan Pease |
Издательство: Ingram |
Cтраниц: 1 |
Формат: EPUB |
Размер: 0 |
ISBN: 9781925545432 |
Качество: excellent |
Язык: |
When a sludge sickness pollutes the Corkuparipple Creek and Jo's brother, Geoffrey, becomes sick, action is needed to find a solution. Jo's dog, Bandaid, is missing, so Aunt Pepper organises for the search party to visit the Clam King under the Pacific Ocean.<br /> <br />Will the King have the answer to Bandaid's whereabouts? And will he be able to help heal Geoffrey and the environment?<br /> <br />A new mystery begins and Jo is faced with serious environmental issues full of sludge, snot and seawater.
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