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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual

Video Atlas of Ophthalmic Suturing

Video Atlas of Ophthalmic Suturing
Автор: Steven E. Brooks
Издательство: Ingram
Cтраниц: 1
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9781626237179
Качество: excellent
Video Atlas of Ophthalmic Suturing: Fundamentals and Techniques by Steven Brooks, MD, is the first multimedia atlas dedicated to effective suturing and knot tying skills in ophthalmic surgery. The text and videos not only cover essential suturing techniques, but merge these concepts with critical principles of wound healing, tissue biomechanics, ergonomics, and the physical properties of common ophthalmic sutures and surgical needles. This atlas fills a significant knowledge gap in educational ophthalmic surgery literature, and greatly enhances the fundamental knowledge and skills provided in ophthalmic surgical training programs. The reader is guided step by step starting with history, safety, basic principles, and the role of the suture in wound healing. Subsequent chapters cover all aspects of sutures – from design and proper selection of tools to basic skills and advanced techniques. The instructional videos, accompanying text, and high-quality illustrations provide the resources necessary to develop muscle memory, tactile experience, and conceptual understanding required for eventual mastery. The easy-to-follow didactics enable practicing and replicating various skills in a training lab environment. Key Features Fifty ophthalmic surgery videos utilize non-biological model materials and larger sutures than those used in ophthalmic practice, clearly demonstrating the technical and spatial aspects of suturing maneuversThe videos are provided as QR codes directly in the book and are also on the accompanying Media Center siteA chapter on safe practices, a critical issue rarely discussed in surgical texts, helps prevent the risk of sharps injuries in the operating roomDiscussion of the composition and properties of common surgical threads used in ophthalmic surgery enables proper selection of sutures, needles, holders, forceps, and stitching patterns for specific casesClinical pearls on topics such as tissue stabilization, proper hand position, avoiding common errors, and complicationsA self-assessment quiz ensures a solid understanding of the material presentedUnique in the field, this outstanding reference provides the beginning ophthalmic surgeon practical knowledge of anatomy, pathophysiology, wound healing, biomechanics, and hands-on suturing techniques. Teaching ophthalmologists will discover robust material from which to design didactic and wet lab resident courses.

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