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Похудение и диеты

> 9780007362844
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:: Спорт, здоровье, красота
   :Медицина и здоровье
     :Альтернативная медицина
     :Здоровое и правильное питание
     :Здоровье детей
     :Народная и нетрадиционная медицина
     :Популярно о медицине
     :Похудение и диеты
   :Секс / секс-руководства
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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)

The Lunch Box Diet: Eat all day, lose weight, feel great. Lose up to a stone in 4 weeks.

The Lunch Box Diet: Eat all day, lose weight, feel great. Lose up to a stone in 4 weeks.
Автор: Simon Lovell
Издательство: HarperCollins
Cтраниц: 1
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9780007362844
Качество: excellent
The exciting new diet that everyone is talking about, the Lunch Box Diet will change the way you think about food and slimming forever. Looking at what you eat and also at how and when you eat, the simple, flexible plan is easy to build into any daily routine. And you can still enjoy a normal breakfast and dinner – as well as the odd indulgence.The Lunch Box Diet is a completely new approach to weight loss that is easy to follow – whatever your lifestyle. Leading fitness expert Simon Lovell has devised a 4-week plan that is so simple and effective it will become a way of life for you.• You're never hungry• Eat your normal breakfast and evening meal• No calorie counting• No cutting any foodstuffs out• No special diet foods• Quick and easy prep times• Thousands of tasty fat-burning box combinations• Perfect for the workplace• Increase your energy – no afternoon slumps• Gorgeous hair and super skinThe innovative diet trains you to eat in the healthiest possible way during the day. As you learn to eat the right things regularly and in small quantities between 10am and 5pm, you will transform the way you feel and lose weight. Simon's quick and delicious Lunch Box combinations will have you 'grazing' contently throughout the day, controlling your hunger and sugar levels. So as well as feeling completely energized, you will soon see the weight come off and stay off.The days of calorie counting and feeling hungry and overeating are over – join the Lunch Box revolution and you'll start to notice a difference in just 7 days.

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