Аннотация Моя книга – для Вас, женщины, которые в какой-то момент ощутили: «Вроде бы у меня все хорошо, но отчего же волком выть хочется? Почему кажется, что все плохо, но непонятно почему»? Которых с детства приучали быть удобными обществу! Быть «хорошими девочками», нравиться всем. А потом Вы забыли о своих истинных желаниях. Живете «как все», не догадываетесь о своих способностях. Может быть, занимаетесь нелюбимым делом… Я поменяла свою жизнь ...
Let's face it, especially these days, there's a lot going on and things are constantly coming at us to the point where overload sets in and mentally our brain is just not handling it. If that describes you, there's something you can do about it starting now. Get your hands on «Train Your Brain: Mental Toughness Training For Winning In Life Now!» You can't go wrong with this book because it's written to improve your cogni ...
How to Improve Your Memory & Increase Your Brain Power in 30 Days" is a text that is focused on methods that can help individuals to improve their memory in a relatively short period of time. The author starts out pretty simply with a definition of what memory is and then progresses into the various methods that can be effectively used to improve memory. The text is appropriate for those individuals that are interested in learning some tried ...
When many people think of mental performance they simply focus on the level of intelligence that an individual can have. Little or no focus is placed on how the brain can be kept working at optimum capacity. «Improve Mental Performance: 7 Top Tips & Tools To Stop Overworking Your Brain Now» can help to explain all of this. The main point that is expounded upon is the fact that many individuals tend to spend a lot of time stressing on the amo ...