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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 Caregiver's Guide for Canadians
 Caregiver's Guide for Canadians

 Автор: Rick Lauber

  One in five Canadians are now providing eldercare to a parent in need, and as baby-boomers age, this number is likely to grow. What do you do when your mother or father grows old? It’s the natural course of life, but so many children of aging parents are unprepared. When a parent’s health begins to fail, an adult child is left scrambling to find help, to balance their time, and to cope. The Caregiver’s Guide will provide readers with v
 Nanotechnology for Bioengineers
 Nanotechnology for Bioengineers

 Автор: Wujie Zhang
 A Book of Medical Discourses
 A Book of Medical Discourses

 Автор: Rebecca Crumpler

  Rebecca Lee Crumpler (1831 – 1895), was an author and the first African American female physician in the United States. In 1883 she published A Book of Medical Discourses, which was made from notes she compiled over her medical career.

 Venous Interventional Radiology
 Venous Interventional Radiology

 Автор: Laura K. Findeiss

  A state-of-the-art guide on the interventional management of venous disease from renowned experts! The diagnosis and management of venous disorders is a core competency of interventional radiology, comprising up to 75% of an interventional radiologist's caseload in some institutions. Venous Interventional Radiology by prominent interventional radiologist Laura Findeiss and an impressive group of contributors is a highly practical vas
 A Return Journey
 A Return Journey

 Автор: Sue Petrovski

  What choices were right, what choices were wrong, and how can she now help those whose journey is just beginning. She clearly and wisely explains that in Alzheimer's there are no «right» ways, no «best» decisions, no «perfect» answers. The Return Journey is the result of Sue's personal journals during her mother's 8-year illness and her correspondence with other caregivers kind enough to share their innermost feelings and emotions

 Автор: Beata Abramczyk

 Addiction Is a Choice
 Addiction Is a Choice

 Автор: Jeffrey A. Schaler

  Politicians and the media tell us that people who take drugs, including alcohol or nicotine, cannot help themselves. They are supposedly victims of the disease of 'addiciton', and they need 'treatment'. The same goes for sex addicts, shopping addicts, food addicts, gambling addicts, or even addicts to abusive relationships.This theory, which grew out of the Temperance movement and was developed and disseminated by the religio
 Regional Malaria and Other Communicable Disease Threats Trust Fund
 Regional Malaria and Other Communicable Disease Threats Trust Fund

 Автор: Jane Parry

  This report details the key achievements of the Regional Malaria and Other Communicable Disease Threats Trust Fund from its creation in 2013 to the first half of 2018. It provides detailed analysis of the results by outcome, profiles specific projects that serve as exemplars of the fund's impact, and offers insights into how similar trust funds can be managed for success in future.
 Digital Health Convergence Meeting Tool Kit
 Digital Health Convergence Meeting Tool Kit

 Автор: Win Min Thit

  This tool kit comprises information on how to create a shared vision for digital health through a national strategy, focused on maximizing the value of resources. It supports efforts to introduce digital health solutions that make systems interoperable and less fragmented, and thus provide equitable access to health care services and offer every patient continuity of care. This tool kit provides a practical framework for structuring digital heal
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