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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 Healing Hormones
 Healing Hormones

 Автор: Beverly A. Potter

  Healing Hormones tackles a huge, attention-getting subject. TV and radio shows, websites telling people to take it easy, slow down, de-stress to feel better, live longer, be a better parent and more loving mate. But how? The prescriptions are disappointing: Yoga? Time-consuming and difficult for many. Prescription drugs? Costly, subject to abuse and may not be helpful. Naturopathic remedies? Unproven, untested and often ineffective. Healing Hor

 Автор: William Schey

  Tree is a professional boxer who is preparing to fight for the world championship in the welterweight division. A lawyer, whose clients are mobsters, forces him to throw the fight after which he retires from the ring and pursues a career in medicine. Fifteen years later, his competitive instincts awaken, and this time he wins the title. Or not?
 Psoriasis Is A Pain In The Butt, But...
 Psoriasis Is A Pain In The Butt, But...

 Автор: Janelle Wood

  This is a short story of my struggles with psoriasis and how I managed to over come it. My wish is that by sharing my story, others will benefit and also over come their struggles.

 Dementia Heroes
 Dementia Heroes

 Автор: Julie Bodziak

  Dementia Heroes is a step by step guide to help the hands on caregiver. It is filled with real life scenarios based upon 20 years of trial and error lessons-learned to gain cooperation from adults with dementia. Your frustrations will decrease when you stop trying to control behaviors and find the path of least resistance. Heroes are not born, they are made!
I loved it! It made me laugh and cry. A necessary
 Ottawa Anesthesia Primer
 Ottawa Anesthesia Primer

 Автор: Patrick Sullivan

  The Ottawa Anesthesia Primer is an essential primary text for medical students and residents completing a rotation in anesthesia. Written by over 40 authors and edited by Dr. Patrick Sullivan, the Ottawa Anesthesia Primer updates their previous popular text entitled Anesthesia for Medical Students. General and specific learning objectives have been carefully identified and can be tailored to the students unique needs during their rotation. In ad
 KILLS 99.9%
 KILLS 99.9%

 Автор: Patrick Ottuso

  Dr. Allison Carter was veterinarian and caretaker of the primate division of the North Central Zoo in New York. Dr. John Fabrini was a researcher at the illustrious Rockefeller Institute. Together, they joined forces to create the ultimate antibacterial sanitizer. They also unwittingly contributed to the creation of a highly resistant strain of bacteria which was unleashed upon the entire world.

Patrick Ottuso received his medical
 Knee Surgery, Updated!
 Knee Surgery, Updated!

 Автор: Carlos Vaz

  The idea behind Knee surgery, Updated! is to select and recommend to you the most relevant and revised papers of each topic in the knee surgery field. Applying the established concept of highest-quality scientific evidence and employing the expertise of our team, we intend to monthly selected papers from the benchmark orthopedic journals in the field, which, in our view, may contribute to implement the reader’s knowledge without loss of time wit
 Created & Called
 Created & Called

 Автор: Chelsia Harris

  Have you ever wondered: “What are my gifts? What exactly is God calling me to do with my life?” Although the profession of nursing can provide a comfortable income, it is more than just a salary. Eternal rewards are reflected when a nurse aids in the alleviation of a patient’s pain, leads a dying patient in a prayer of salvation, or has the opportunity to assist in the welcoming of a new life into this world. I chal
 Experiencing Acupuncture
 Experiencing Acupuncture

 Автор: John Hamwee
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