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:: Учебная и научная литература
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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 Food Refusal and Avoidant Eating in Children, including those with Autism Spectrum Conditions
 Food Refusal and Avoidant Eating in Children, including those with Autism Spectrum Conditions

 Автор: Gillian Harris

  Many children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have a restricted dietary range, and this book provides parents with advice and training on how to deal with this condition and achieve a healthier and more balanced diet. Now described as Avoidant or Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), it is due to sensory hypersensitivity, and it can impact upon the health of the child, upon the family, and upon social integration. Based upon successful
 A Guide to Programs for Parenting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities or Developmental Disabilities
 A Guide to Programs for Parenting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities or Developmental Disabilities

 Автор: John R. Lutzker

 Transition Denied
 Transition Denied

 Автор: Jane Fae

  Trans people in the UK currently face widespread prejudice and discrimination, from how they are described in the media to the lack of healthcare support they receive. This institutional bias is illustrated by the tragic case of Synestra de Courcy, who died following neglect and rejection from the NHS, leading her to sex work to fund her transition and dangerous self-medication. Charting Syn's life from childhood through to her untimely d

 The Essential Guide for Newly Qualified Occupational Therapists
 The Essential Guide for Newly Qualified Occupational Therapists

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Starting out in practice can be difficult and confusing. This guide for newly qualified occupational therapists provides an authoritative overview of what to expect in your role and work settings, and is full of practical guidance on how to make a good start to a successful practice. With chapters by experienced practitioners in the field, it offers insights into work in paediatrics, mental health, learning disability and the acute hospital set
 Medical Aspects of Autism and Asperger Syndrome
 Medical Aspects of Autism and Asperger Syndrome

 Автор: Mohammad Ghaziuddin

  People with autism are at a higher risk of having additional medical conditions, so increased care should be taken to ensure any other needs are detected early and effectively managed. This book is the perfect aid for doing so, providing detailed information on the range of possible further conditions, including epilepsy, eating disorders or genetic conditions. Written for both parents and practitioners, including students, it shows how these
 First Class Support for College Students on the Autism Spectrum
 First Class Support for College Students on the Autism Spectrum

 Автор: Michael W. Duggan

  College students with autism can face many difficulties during the transition from high school to further education and beyond. Highlighting the various everyday issues that may arise, this book shares practical advice for supporting students on the autism spectrum and helping them to succeed not only academically, but also socially and emotionally. From supporting students with their relationships, to dealing with anxiety and managing independ
 Young Onset Dementia
 Young Onset Dementia

 Автор: Hilda Hayo

  Providing key information and insight into the experiences of people living with a diagnosis of young onset dementia, this book will increase the knowledge and skills of health and social care professionals in the early recognition, diagnosis and support of young people with dementia and their families. The book explores the experiences of people living with a diagnosis of young onset dementia through detailed case studies, and gives learning p

 Автор: Andrew Bishop

  Sleep occupies around one third of a person's life and is the subject of research across many disciplines. In this groundbreaking new monograph, Andrew Bishop explores sleep by creatively drawing on resources of the Christian tradition. Sleep is a subject which demands theological attention, because of the central place it occupies in contemporary reflection on what it is to be human. Offering original research, this book investigates slee
 My Anxiety Handbook
 My Anxiety Handbook

 Автор: Bridie Gallagher

  Helping young people with anxiety learn to recognise and manage their symptoms, this anxiety survival guide teaches young people aged 10+ how they can overcome their biggest worries. Showing that anxiety is a normal human emotion that many people face, this book helps young people understand the ins and outs of their own anxiety and helps them to challenge the difficult patterns they may get into. Co-written with a college student who has exper
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