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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 Seven Scents
 Seven Scents

 Автор: Dorothy P. Abram

  Identifying seven aromatic plants with specific psychoactive properties, the author describes the different states of consciousness that are achieved, manipulated, and transformed by the people and cultures that use them in specialized ways, both in the past and in the contemporary world. Focusing on the role that scent plays in healing and spiritual experience, the author explores the use of the fragrant tulsi plant both in Hindu women's
 Weaving the Cradle
 Weaving the Cradle

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Groups for parents, babies and toddlers, spanning the 1001 critical days from late pregnancy up to age two, are an effective way of supporting expectant and new parents by helping them to become more attuned, sensitive and empathic towards their child. Contributors bring together a range of theoretical perspectives to show different ways to facilitate groups that combine mindfulness and psychological insight to promote bonding, attunement and m
 The Clinician's Guide to Forensic Music Therapy
 The Clinician's Guide to Forensic Music Therapy

 Автор: Stella Compton-Dickinson

 Understanding Sensory Processing Disorders in Children
 Understanding Sensory Processing Disorders in Children

 Автор: Matt Mielnick

  Everything we know about the world we live in starts with information we take in through the senses. This book explains the way our sensory system works and shows how small inefficiencies in this complex system can have a huge impact on a child's behaviour. Through easily relatable examples and metaphors, the book describes the variety of sensory processing differences that can occur in children in a jargon-free way and offers practical adv
 BodyMindCORE Work for the Movement Therapist
 BodyMindCORE Work for the Movement Therapist

 Автор: Noah Karrasch

  The principles of Noah Karrasch's CORE® model focus on whole body, breath, and movement awareness in order to determine where restrictions and blockages in the body may occur. Based on a lifetime of fine-tuning CORE® theory and practice, this comprehensive text not only explains in detail how and why this model works, but will also help movement therapists get better results for clients by being more in tune with them and their bodies, and
 Becoming a STAR Detective!
 Becoming a STAR Detective!

 Автор: Susan Young
 The STAR Detective Facilitator Manual
 The STAR Detective Facilitator Manual

 Автор: Susan Young

  The STAR Program is designed to teach children and those involved in their care psychological techniques to improve self-control and prosocial competence. The program employs cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) principles and uses a child-centered approach to teach attention skills, emotional control, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills to children aged 8-12 who have cognitive, behavioral, social or emotional difficulties. This manual incl
 Creative Therapies for Complex Trauma
 Creative Therapies for Complex Trauma

 Автор: Группа авторов

  A burgeoning evidence base supports that arts, play and other creative therapies have potential to help children in foster care, kinship care or adoptive families to recover from complex trauma. Written by contributors working at the cutting edge of delivering effective therapeutic interventions, this innovative book describes models for working with children in foster care, kinship care or adoption. Covering how to assess needs and contextual
 Is It OK to Ask Questions about Autism?
 Is It OK to Ask Questions about Autism?

 Автор: Abi Rawlins

  Discussions with school children aged 5-11 reveal that there is still a degree of uncertainty amongst students about whether it is ok to ask questions about autism. Autism can be a sensitive topic, and is often not discussed in order to avoid awkward conversations. It is very important that children are made aware of what autism is, in order to encourage healthy friendships and understand that it is ok to talk about. By raising awareness of auti
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