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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 Complicated Grief, Attachment, and Art Therapy
 Complicated Grief, Attachment, and Art Therapy

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This wide-ranging book on art therapy and grief provides everything an art therapist needs to feel confident in creating an effective treatment plan. It features fourteen clear-cut protocols, outlining 4-8 week curriculums for working with Complicated Grief, and explains the theory which informs the practice, including popular and evolving models such as Attachment Theory, Mindfulness, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Art Therapy Relatio
 Rhythms of Relating in Children's Therapies
 Rhythms of Relating in Children's Therapies

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This multidisciplinary book shows how to foster meaningful relationships between therapists and vulnerable children, through exploring the concept of communicative musicality and creating rhythms of connection. It includes broad and in-depth contributions from leading therapists from diverse backgrounds – including Peter A. Levine, Daniel Hughes, Stephen Porges, Dennis McCarthy and many more. Contributors reflect on their own experiences, provi
 Creative Ideas for Solution Focused Practice
 Creative Ideas for Solution Focused Practice

 Автор: Judith Milner

  Exploring creative ways to implement solution focused practice, this book is packed full of ideas to inspire ways of working with clients which focus on their strengths as a means to finding solutions. Outlining how and why strengths-based interviewing for solutions is effective, the book provides a wealth of different ways to apply key solution focused techniques. With exercises, sample questions and top tips for tricky situations, the authors

 Rhythm to Recovery
 Rhythm to Recovery

 Автор: Simon Faulkner

  Combining rhythmic music and movement with cognitive reflection and mindfulness, this comprehensive handbook shows how drumming and other rhythm-based exercises can have a powerful effect in individual, group and family settings. Incorporating the latest research on how rhythmic music impacts the brain, this book features over 100 different exercises spanning five key developmental areas: social and emotional learning; identity and culture; str
 Understanding and Evaluating Autism Theory
 Understanding and Evaluating Autism Theory

 Автор: Nick Chown

  Addressing the full spectrum of theoretical output associated with autism and Asperger syndrome, this is the complete guide to autism theory – spanning from mainstream and alternative, through to non-autism specific theories that might be applied to autism. Previous study on autism has made significant inroads into the individual branches of autism theory, however, no text has brought together the complete range of theories in an accessible te
 Digital Kids
 Digital Kids

 Автор: Martin L. Kutscher

  For many children and teens daily Internet use is the norm – but where should we draw the line when it comes to digital media usage? This handy book lays out the essential information needed to understand and prevent excessive Internet use that negatively impacts behaviour, education, family life, and even physical health. Martin L. Kutscher, MD analyses neurological, psychological and educational research and draws on his own experience to sho
 Autism and Everyday Executive Function
 Autism and Everyday Executive Function

 Автор: Paula Moraine

  Understand and support executive function in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with this fully-explained, innovative model. Showing how to use an individual's strengths to address executive functioning weaknesses, this approach will also help to build a strong foundation for social and communication skills. Advocating a person-centred approach, the author describes the importance of identifying the individual's preferred
 Eurhythmics for Autism and Other Neurophysiologic Diagnoses
 Eurhythmics for Autism and Other Neurophysiologic Diagnoses

 Автор: Dorita S. Berger

  In Eurhythmics for Autism and Other Neurophysiologic Diagnoses, Dorita S. Berger reveals how Eurhythmics, a method of teaching the musical concepts of rhythm, structure and expression kinaesthetically through movement, can help develop sensorimotor skills in children and adults with autism and other special needs. Covering both theory and practice, she explains this innovative, music-based approach and how it can also address cognitive and sen
 Autism and Appropriate Touch
 Autism and Appropriate Touch

 Автор: Abigail Werner James
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