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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 Critical Care
 Critical Care

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Providing a bridge between research in healthcare and spirituality and practitioner perspectives, these essays on chaplaincy in healthcare continue dialogue around constructing, negotiating and researching spiritual care and discuss the critical issues in chaplaincy work, including assisted suicide and care in children's hospices. Each section of the book is introduced by an academic theologian, giving the book a strong theoretical base, be
 Challenging Stress, Burnout and Rust-Out
 Challenging Stress, Burnout and Rust-Out

 Автор: Teena J. Clouston

  A balanced lifestyle enhances health, happiness and wellbeing. With practical techniques and strategies, this book explores how this balance can be found and how stress and anxiety, which are linked to being overworked and over busy, may be alleviated. It begins by examining the state of work-life imbalance in our everyday lives and discussing real life examples from a group of professionals working in health and social care. Their stories and
 Principles and Practice of Homeopathy
 Principles and Practice of Homeopathy

 Автор: David Owen

  This comprehensive textbook provides a detailed, practical and thorough basis for the understanding and application of the homeopathic process. Drawing on the experience and knowledge of a wealth of contributors, the book offers the foundations for the safe and broadest practice of modern homeopathy. Divided into 6 sections, this book takes the understanding of homeopathy from basic principles to the treatment of acute and chronic illnesses, th

 The Obsessive Joy of Autism
 The Obsessive Joy of Autism

 Автор: Julia Bascom

  Being autistic, to me, means a lot of different things, but one of the best things is that I can be so happy, so enraptured about things no one else understands and so wrapped up in my own joy that, not only does it not matter that no one else shares it, but it can become contagious. This is the part about autism that I can never explain. This is the part I never want to lose.' Julia Bascom's depiction of the joy of autistic obsession
 Make Your Own Picture Stories for Kids with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
 Make Your Own Picture Stories for Kids with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)

 Автор: Brian Attwood

  Picture stories can play a vital role in helping parents negotiate challenging scenarios with kids with ASD. Yet no matter how many books and flashcards you have, they can't cover every eventuality. So, suppose you could draw the stories yourself… Brian Attwood took up pen and paper when his son John's meltdowns became harder to deal with. The effect was immediate and time and time again picture stories have bailed the family out of t
 Sisterhood of the Spectrum
 Sisterhood of the Spectrum

 Автор: Jennifer Cook O'Toole

  Spectrum gals, ever wished you had a handbook to help navigate the confusing world of teenage girlhood? Look no further! Aspie-in-the-know, Jennifer Cook O'Toole provides just that with her inspirational guide to life for teenage girls with Asperger syndrome. Drawing on her own, real-life experiences rather than preaching from textbooks, she covers everything you need (and want!) to know, from body shapes and love interests to bullying, fr
 Goal Setting and Motivation in Therapy
 Goal Setting and Motivation in Therapy

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Drawing together motivational theory, research-based evidence and guidance for best practice, this book presents innovative models for goal-setting and goal pursuit in therapy with children. Setting goals not only allows children, and their families, to engage with the overall therapeutic process, but it also provides an essential motivational element throughout the entire therapeutic process. The editors and contributors give practical advice
 I am an Aspie Girl
 I am an Aspie Girl

 Автор: Danuta Bulhak-Paterson

  Lizzie is an Aspie Girl – she has Asperger's Syndrome, which means that her brain works differently to her friends, and even to boys with Asperger Syndrome. In this book, Lizzie explains what it's like to be an Aspie Girl, including how she has a special talent for blending in with her friends, how she gets really tired after being at school all day, how she worries about making mistakes, and how she finds it hard to understand how she
 Evidence-Based Assessment Tools in ASD
 Evidence-Based Assessment Tools in ASD

 Автор: Kenneth Aitken

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Oracle PL/SQL Programming
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