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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 Improving Mental Health through Social Support
 Improving Mental Health through Social Support

 Автор: Jonathan Leach

  Social support is the everyday assistance offered by family, friends, neighbours and colleagues, as well as the foundations of support in a range of non-clinical settings, and plays a vital role in a person's mental health and wellbeing. This book examines the nature of social support and offers a practical approach to how it can be enhanced. Focusing on the relationships between service users and supporters , it examines service users&apo
 The Essence Practitioner
 The Essence Practitioner

 Автор: Sue Lilly

  This practical handbook covers everything you need to know to use flower and other essences effectively with clients. Sue Lilly explains what is happening energetically when essences are at work and draws on her wealth of essence knowledge to provide guidelines on: · Assessing – techniques for testing clients · Choosing – how to select appropriate essences for a range of conditions· Using – new and innovative applications of essences· Creating
 The Moving Researcher
 The Moving Researcher

 Автор: Ciane Fernandes

  This comprehensive book will serve as a step-by-step guide to Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis, updating and expanding concepts and practices. Following extensive research on the method developed by Rudolf von Laban and his disciples, this book explains movement principles, exercises, and motif symbols in detail. Organized according to the four categories of Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis (Body-Effort-Shape-Space), additional chapters pre

 Autism Spectrum Disorder and De-escalation Strategies
 Autism Spectrum Disorder and De-escalation Strategies

 Автор: Steve Brown

  This practical guide provides a complete picture of how non-physical and physical interventions can be used to manage behaviour and keep children with autism spectrum disorders or emotional, social and behavioural difficulties safe. With clear advice and strategies that can be easily implemented in practice, Steve Brown explores various options and interventions, and explains how professionals can manage the behaviour of children (aged 3-18) in
 Promoting Public Mental Health and Well-being
 Promoting Public Mental Health and Well-being

 Автор: Catherine J. Mackereth

  What causes a person to flourish or languish? Or to be well or ill? How can the mental health and well-being of society as a whole, and individuals, be promoted and enhanced? This book explores the social, economic, political, cultural and environmental factors that affect mental health and well-being on a societal and individual level, and how prevention and intervention can enhance mental health. Taking a holistic approach to mental health,
 Infantile Autism
 Infantile Autism

 Автор: Группа авторов

  In 1964, the release of Dr. Bernard Rimland's book, Infantile Autism, revolutionized the autism field by providing the autism community with much-needed guidance on how to understand and treat individuals on the spectrum. He single-handedly realigned the field from a psychodynamic, parent-blaming perspective to a scientific, physiological course of action. This 50th anniversary edition presents the original book with contributions from lead
 Developing Excellent Care for People Living with Dementia in Care Homes
 Developing Excellent Care for People Living with Dementia in Care Homes

 Автор: Caroline Baker

  The award-winning PEARL (Positively Enriching and enhancing Residents' Lives) programme was developed to enable care homes to move from providing good fundamental care to excellent person-centred dementia care. Trialled extensively by one of the UK's largest care providers, it has been proven to dramatically increase the quality of life of people with dementia living in care homes, significantly reducing the use of antipsychotics and t
 Getting Better at Getting People Better
 Getting Better at Getting People Better

 Автор: Noah Karrasch

  What is it that really gets people better? With practical information on how to support clients' healing processes, this book helps practitioners across a wide range of physical and medical therapies, as well as psychotherapists, to improve their practice and get better at what they do. Getting to the core of true healing, Noah Karrasch explores the essentials of effective practice that apply across all healing modalities and expands on a
 Involving Young People in Teenage Pregnancy and Sexual Health Work
 Involving Young People in Teenage Pregnancy and Sexual Health Work

 Автор: Ellie Lewis
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