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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 Pregnancy and Parenthood
 Pregnancy and Parenthood

 Автор: Christine McGuire
 Assessment, Evaluation and Sex and Relationships Education
 Assessment, Evaluation and Sex and Relationships Education

 Автор: Simon Blake
 The Individual Service Funds Handbook
 The Individual Service Funds Handbook

 Автор: Helen Sanderson

  The Individual Service Funds Handbook is the definitive guide to one of the most innovative forms of personal budget in health and social care. It gives a clear explanation of what Individual Service Funds (ISFs) are, how to use them effectively and includes all the information you need in order to implement them in your organisation. The Handbook spans a range of settings, including a dementia care home, supported living and residential homes

 Anna Halprin
 Anna Halprin

 Автор: Ursula Schorn

  Anna Halprin is a world-famous theatre artist and early pioneer in the expressive arts healing movement. This book explores her personal growth as a dancer and choreographer and the development of her therapeutic and pedagogical approach. The authors, who each trained with Halprin, introduce her creative work and the 'Life/Art Process®' she developed, an approach that takes life experiences as a source for artistic expression. They a
 Using the Bowen Technique to Address Complex and Common Conditions
 Using the Bowen Technique to Address Complex and Common Conditions

 Автор: Isobel Knight

  The Bowen technique resets and repairs the body, restoring balance to relieve pain and improve energy. This book shows how it can be particularly effective at alleviating conditions that are renowned for being difficult to treat, as well as at enhancing performance in dance and other sports. Covering lower back pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, hayfever, asthma, diabetes (type 2), migraines, stress and tension disorders, fibr
 Zero Balancing
 Zero Balancing

 Автор: John Hamwee

  The definitive guide to Zero Balancing brings this increasingly popular therapy to life. It contains a clear description of the anatomy and physiology of energy which leads on to a compelling explanation of how and why this form of bodywork can have such powerful effects. Throughout, there are illustrations which convey the unique energy of a Zero Balancing session and John Hamwee provides fascinating examples of clients, their experiences and t
 The Compassionate Practitioner
 The Compassionate Practitioner

 Автор: Jane Wood

  Focusing on the importance of relationship-building, this handbook explains how to turn new clients into regulars and make your practice flourish. If you can create trust, loyalty and a sense of safety in new clients, they are more likely to commit to the further appointments needed to experience the healing you have to offer. This book considers how best to enhance the client's experience at every stage of the consultation through compass
 The Spirit in Aromatherapy
 The Spirit in Aromatherapy

 Автор: Gill Farrer-Halls

  The importance of intuition in aromatherapy blending, essential and base oil selection and bodywork is the focus of Gill Farrer-Halls' authoritative new book. Drawing on her extensive experience as a practicing aromatherapist and aromatherapy teacher, she explores ways of increasing intuitive awareness of the nature and depth of individual essential oils, and takes the reader through meditative techniques that can help practitioners deepen
 Listening to Scent
 Listening to Scent

 Автор: Jennifer Peace Rhind

  The olfactory journey described in this book introduces readers to the pleasures and benefits of educating and training the 'nose', our olfactory palate. Jennifer Peace Rhind explores the process of cultivating our sense of smell and demonstrates how the process itself can be therapeutic and enjoyable, as well as informative. She highlights the different skills involved, from olfactory vocabulary, awareness, and memory, through to disc
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