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:: Учебная и научная литература
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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 The Homunculi Approach to Social and Emotional Wellbeing
 The Homunculi Approach to Social and Emotional Wellbeing

 Автор: Anne Greig
 Bump 2 Baby
 Bump 2 Baby

 Автор: Paul McCabe
 Practical Mathematics for Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Delays
 Practical Mathematics for Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Delays

 Автор: Sue Larkey

 Regrowing Hair Naturally
 Regrowing Hair Naturally

 Автор: Vera Peiffer
 A Step-by-Step ABA Curriculum for Young Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Age 3-10)
 A Step-by-Step ABA Curriculum for Young Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Age 3-10)

 Автор: Lindsay Hilsen
 Principles of Kinesiology
 Principles of Kinesiology

 Автор: Maggie La Tourelle

  Kinesiology is a system of natural health care that combines muscle testing with the principles of Chinese medicine to assess energy and body function. A touch therapy, it uses a range of gentle yet powerful healing techniques and can be effective in the treatment of many conditions, including allergies, backache, fatigue, emotional difficulties, headaches and skin and bowel problems. This book describes how kinesiology can help with these probl
 The Mystery of Pain
 The Mystery of Pain

 Автор: Douglas Nelson

  Why does scratching an itch feel so good? Why is pain from a mosquito bite preferable to the same pain from an unidentified source? Douglas Nelson provides the reader with a comprehensive, practical and highly accessible guide to the scientific understanding of pain. The book explores the different types of pain, providing clear explanations of the processes involved within the body. It examines key issues such as diagnosis and measurement of p
 Letters to the Home Front
 Letters to the Home Front

 Автор: John Clements

  Bringing up a child with developmental disabilities, especially autism, presents many challenges for parents, and the focus of attention is almost invariably on the child. This practical and compassionate book looks at a range of issues from the parents' point of view – from whether their child really loves them, to challenging received wisdom on matters such as sensory integration and boarding school. The author's many decades of expe
 Music and the Social Model
 Music and the Social Model

 Автор: Jane Williams

  Music has always been an essential part of what it is to be human and yet not everyone has access to the music-based opportunities others take for granted. Motivated by the belief that individuals are disabled by society rather than any impairment they might have, Jane Williams sets out to show how someone with learning difficulties can engage with music in as many diverse and fulfilling ways as the rest of their community and generation. This
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