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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 Surviving Post-Natal Depression
 Surviving Post-Natal Depression

 Автор: Cara Aiken

  Research indicates that at least one in ten new mothers experience post-natal depression, yet there is little help available to sufferers. Cara Aiken's book will help them, and the professionals who work with them, to understand this illness. The book tells the stories of ten women from very different backgrounds – including the author – who have suffered post-natal depression. Their stories, told honestly and informally, will be a source o
 Principles of Reiki
 Principles of Reiki

 Автор: Kajsa Krishni Borang

  Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing system based on channelling spiritual energy through the hands. Taught through initiation, it is extremely effective for treating many health and emotional problems, and brings a profound sense of relaxation and peace. This concise introduction covers the history and spiritual principles of Reiki, how it is taught and practiced and what to expect from a Reiki treatment. The author explains how Reiki can be
 Principles of Reflexology
 Principles of Reflexology

 Автор: Nicola Hall

  Reflexology is a form of complete healing that can detect and correct energy imbalance and restore balance to the body by relating each zone of the body to different points on the hands and feet. This introductory guide covers the theory on which reflexology is based, as well as its history, and the principles of practice. The author includes an description of how treatment works and how it is given, a guide to the reflex areas and their relati

 Principles of Hypnotherapy
 Principles of Hypnotherapy

 Автор: Vera Peiffer

  This introductory guide gives a definitive introduction to hypnotherapy. It explains what hypnotherapy is, how it works, what its origins are, what to expect when you go for a treatment and how to find a reputable hypnotherapist. It also looks in detail at how hypnotherapy can be used to address difficult memories and help with mental and emotional trauma, anxiety, depression, phobias and confidence problems, and unwanted habits such as smoking.
 Painful Bladder Syndrome
 Painful Bladder Syndrome

 Автор: Philip Weeks

  Painful bladder syndrome is a common and highly debilitating condition that Western medicine finds notoriously difficult to treat. Blending ancient and modern holistic medical traditions from both East and West, Philip Weeks guides the reader through the process of managing their symptoms effectively using a simple yet powerful combination of natural techniques, nutrition and herbal medicine. Applying his deep understanding of the principles o
 The Parent's Guide to In-Home ABA Programs
 The Parent's Guide to In-Home ABA Programs

 Автор: Elle Olivia Johnson

  What is Applied Behavior Analysis? What will happen when an ABA therapist comes into my home? Most importantly, how can ABA help my child? This quick guide answers all of the common questions that parents have when beginning an in-home ABA program. ABA is an effective intervention for children with autism and other developmental disorders, but all of the data collection, reinforcement, and strange lingo can be confusing for parents who are not
 The Aspie Girl's Guide to Being Safe with Men
 The Aspie Girl's Guide to Being Safe with Men

 Автор: Debi Brown

  For Aspie girls and women, dating and sexual relationships can be confusing, intimidating and potentially dangerous. Even if actively avoiding romantic relationships or sexual encounters, a lack of understanding about acceptable social interaction between men and women can leave Aspies vulnerable to negative experiences. It is vital, therefore, that the facts and unwritten rules about sexual conduct and relationships are clearly laid out for gir
 The Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorders
 The Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorders

 Автор: Patricia O'Brien Towle

  Identifying Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as early as possible can have a significant, positive impact on the child's journey to adaptation and independence. Yet too few diagnoses take place at an early, developmentally crucial stage. This unique visual guide aims to equip readers with the skills to recognise ASD in very young children. The book provides a systematic framework for understanding the complex nature of ASD. From social inte
 Exploring Feelings for Young Children with High-Functioning Autism or Asperger's Disorder
 Exploring Feelings for Young Children with High-Functioning Autism or Asperger's Disorder

 Автор: Tony Attwood

  Young children with autism have particular difficulty in understanding and controlling their emotions, especially when those emotions are negative. This practical manual for professionals provides a set of simple strategies to help children with high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome who suffer from mood difficulties to decrease negative feelings and increase positive feelings in daily life. Using a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy app
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