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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 Working with Drug and Alcohol Users
 Working with Drug and Alcohol Users

 Автор: Tony White

  Working with Drug and Alcohol Users provides an accessible guide to substance use and working with substance users. Using transactional analysis theory, the author explains why some people use substances, exploring different personality types, and covers the basic components of drug counseling. The book then outlines different counseling techniques used to treat and manage substance users, using transactional analysis models. These include moti
 Video Modeling for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
 Video Modeling for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

 Автор: Brenna Noland

  Video modeling takes visual learning to the next level by using new technologies to create an effective teaching tool. This book explains how professionals and parents can use innovative video modeling techniques to support the development of young children with autism spectrum disorders in school, home or community settings. Offering practical step-by-step guidance, the book shows how to film and edit personalized videos that highlight the exa
 The Functional Nutrition Cookbook
 The Functional Nutrition Cookbook

 Автор: Christine Bailey

 How to Break Bad News to People with Intellectual Disabilities
 How to Break Bad News to People with Intellectual Disabilities

 Автор: Irene Tuffrey-Wijne

  This book offers unique and flexible guidelines that can be used by practitioners to ease the process of breaking bad news to people with intellectual disabilities. The guidelines, which are adaptable to individual communication ability and level of understanding, address the many complex needs of people with intellectual disabilities who can find understanding and accepting news that has a negative impact on their life a very difficult task. In

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This book brings together an unprecedented number and range of contributions from different disciplines relating to sleep in one comprehensive volume. The contributors explore the science of sleep – what it is, what makes it happen and why we do it – as well as the measurement of sleep, its importance for daytime performance and its sociological and cultural aspects. Sleep disorders, sleep quality and the importance of sleep for daytime perfor
 Creating Person-Centred Organisations
 Creating Person-Centred Organisations

 Автор: Helen Sanderson

  Person-centred thinking and planning are approaches that enable people using social care and health services to plan their future, and use a personal budget to commission personalised services. Creating Person-Centred Organisations is a guide for organisations who want to deliver personalised services. Key issues covered include attending to the vision, strategy and business planning of the organisation, as well as organisational processes, cul
 Sandtray Play and Storymaking
 Sandtray Play and Storymaking

 Автор: Sheila Dorothy Smith

  Introducing sandtray play and storying into mainstream and special education classrooms can have an extremely enriching impact on the learning experience. When used effectively, it can create the climate for social, emotional and behavioural growth and incite bursts of creativity in students. Build a world in your sandtray; tell its story; record it; listen to your partner's story – these are the invitations to students in a sandtray play/
 Getting into the Game
 Getting into the Game

 Автор: Stephanie Patterson

  Getting into the Game: Sports Programs for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder will help families, clinicians and coaches support children with autism in taking their first steps into sport and recreation. Participation in individual and team sports plays an important part in children's development and promotes growth in a number of areas. As well as the obvious health benefits, sport also provides the perfect backdrop to teach young people
 Autism and Flexischooling
 Autism and Flexischooling

 Автор: Clare Lawrence

  A growing number of parents are considering part time or 'flexischooling' as an option that might benefit their child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) but face concerns such as: Is it possible? Has anyone tried it? How can it be set up? Above all, does it work? This book answers all these questions, and many more. Covering both the home and school angle, it explores ways to evaluate whether the option is right for your child, o
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