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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 What Men with Asperger Syndrome Want to Know About Women, Dating and Relationships
 What Men with Asperger Syndrome Want to Know About Women, Dating and Relationships

 Автор: Maxine Aston

  Positive, practical and realistic, this book offers a wealth of information on women, dating and relationships for men with Asperger Syndrome (AS). Many AS men are totally confused and bewildered by women and relationships and find it hard to know what to do, what to say and how to get it right. For these men, understanding the emotional side to relationships and women's needs can be a complete mystery and they often get it disastrously wr
 A Step-by-Step Curriculum for Early Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders
 A Step-by-Step Curriculum for Early Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders

 Автор: Lindsay Hilsen
 The ASD Workbook
 The ASD Workbook

 Автор: Penny Kershaw

 Helping Children to Improve their Communication Skills
 Helping Children to Improve their Communication Skills

 Автор: Deborah Plummer
 Speech in Action
 Speech in Action

 Автор: Jim Elliott

  Children, particularly those on the autism spectrum, are able to acquire communication skills much more easily when their learning incorporates movement. Even very simple actions such as tapping and hand clapping can have a noticeable impact on their speech and language development. Speech in Action is an innovative approach to learning that combines simple techniques from speech and language pathology with physical exercises that have been ca
 Social Enjoyment Groups for Children, Teens and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders
 Social Enjoyment Groups for Children, Teens and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders

 Автор: John Merges

  Young people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) often feel uncomfortable and anxious in social situations, but socializing with classmates and colleagues can be made easier – and more enjoyable – with Guiding Toward Growth group sessions. John Merges' simple yet effective program for teaching social enjoyment skills is based on the concept that there are ten hurdles that make it challenging for people with ASD to enjoy social interaction
 Getting the Picture
 Getting the Picture

 Автор: Dave Nash
 Creating Children's Art Games for Emotional Support
 Creating Children's Art Games for Emotional Support

 Автор: Vicky Barber

  Game playing is a highly effective way of engaging children and has long been acknowledged as an important means of psychological therapy. This book offers an abundance of fun games that help children to confront personal problems and issues in a light-hearted yet meaningful way. These are games with a difference, as they must be constructed before they can be played. The creation aspect involves collaboration and cooperation within a team, and
 A Theological Diagnosis
 A Theological Diagnosis

 Автор: Matt Edmonds
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