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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 Ready, Set, Potty!
 Ready, Set, Potty!

 Автор: Brenda Batts

  Potty training a child with developmental disorders can be a real challenge, and sometimes the extra difficulties make you feel as though you've tried everything, and failed. In this book, Brenda Batts shows how you can overcome problems, big and small, and provides tried and tested methods that really work, tailored to each individual child. Bursting with ideas on how to see past conventional strategies and adapt toilet training to suit y
 Exploring Bullying with Adults with Autism and Asperger Syndrome
 Exploring Bullying with Adults with Autism and Asperger Syndrome

 Автор: Bettina Stott
 Cranial Intelligence
 Cranial Intelligence

 Автор: Ged Sumner

  At the deepest level of our physiology, all living tissues and fluids expand and contract with the 'breath of life'. Through gentle touch, the skilled practitioner can interact with these subtle rhythms to address physical aches and pains, acute or chronic disease, emotional or psychological disturbances, or simply to promote enduring health and vitality. This new and important textbook demystifies the biodynamic approach to craniosa

 Transition or Transformation?
 Transition or Transformation?

 Автор: John Clements

  Young people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) can often find the step into adulthood and independence more difficult than their neurotypical peers, particularly where employment is concerned. The authors show, however, that with the right guidance and a positive attitude in schools, young people with ASDs can be every bit as happy and successful as those who are not on the spectrum. The book describes a programme developed over a number of
 Supporting Positive Behaviour
 Supporting Positive Behaviour

 Автор: Suzan Collins
 Get out, Explore, and Have Fun!
 Get out, Explore, and Have Fun!

 Автор: Lisa Jo Rudy

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Growing up with a sibling on the autistic spectrum can be difficult, and the needs of a child with autism often overwhelm a family, leaving neurotypical children feeling overshadowed. For the first time, the 'neurotypical' siblings get to have their say. They recount the good, the bad, and the downright annoying in a way that all young people in a similar situation will immediately recognise. Young siblings of all ages candidly recoun
 Qigong for Multiple Sclerosis
 Qigong for Multiple Sclerosis

 Автор: Nigel Mills

  This book has been written to help people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) improve their physical and psychological functioning using the Chinese system of movement and meditation known as Qigong, closely related to Tai Chi. Qigong focuses on the important basic principles of balance, body alignment and energy flow without the need to learn the complex patterns of Tai Chi. People with MS often experience impaired balance, difficulties in walking, t
 Developing College Skills in Students with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome
 Developing College Skills in Students with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome

 Автор: Sarita Freedman

  Going to college can be a daunting prospect for any young person, but for teenagers on the autism spectrum this is especially true. This book describes the unique needs that ASD students entering further or higher education are likely to have. The author identifies the key skill-sets they will need to develop in order to be successful in college and in life, and shows how they can be helped to develop these. She outlines the skills required fo
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