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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Прикладные отрасли медицины
 Chinese Medical Qigong
 Chinese Medical Qigong

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Tackling Addiction
 Tackling Addiction

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The issue of 'recovery' has been increasingly prioritised by policymakers in recent years, but the meaning of the concept remains ambiguous. This edited collection brings together the thoughts and experiences of researchers, practitioners and service users from the fields of health, addiction and criminal justice and centres on current developments in addiction policy and practice. Tackling Addiction examines what recovery, addiction
 Arts Activities for Children and Young People in Need
 Arts Activities for Children and Young People in Need

 Автор: Diana Coholic

  Art-based activities can develop resilience and self-esteem, enabling children in need to cope better with ongoing stress and loss. Arts Activities for Children and Young People in Need offers interventions and exercises drawn from practice and research, for practitioners to use as a basis for their own arts-based groups or one-to-one sessions. Holistic arts activities facilitate a spiritually sensitive approach. Mindfulness-based exercises und

 A Practical Guide to Outcome Evaluation
 A Practical Guide to Outcome Evaluation

 Автор: Liz Hoggarth

  *Highly Commended in the Health and Social Care category of the 2011 BMA Medical Book Awards* For those involved in commissioning and running projects working with people, measuring performance and assessing outcomes are an essential part of applying for and maintaining funding, and a way of demonstrating the project's achievements. This versatile 'how to' book guides you through the process of evaluating your project in order to
 The Core Concepts of Occupational Therapy
 The Core Concepts of Occupational Therapy

 Автор: Jennifer Creek

  The profession of occupational therapy has a highly specialised language, but until now there have been no standard definitions of its key terms. Based on the work of the terminology project group of the European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education (ENOTHE), this book selects and defines the core building blocks of occupational therapy theory. Consensus definitions of a wide range of terms are developed through an analysis of pu
 Emerging Values in Health Care
 Emerging Values in Health Care

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Professional values in healthcare are in a state of constant and increasingly rapid change. While all professions now emphasise teamwork and collegiality in practice, fewer are inclined to consider shared or differing values across professions. This interdisciplinary volume explains how health care professions and their values have changed over the last forty years, charting where they have come from, where they are now, and how they might deve
 Disabled Church - Disabled Society
 Disabled Church - Disabled Society

 Автор: John Gillibrand

  In this moving and intelligent book John Gillibrand, an Anglican priest, draws on his experience of caring for his non-verbal son, Adam, who has autism and is now a teenager. He reflects on how the experience has changed not just his life, but also his whole way of thinking about theology, politics and philosophy. Illuminated by an account of his day to day experiences with Adam, and deeper reflection upon the meaning of that experience, John G
 The Insightful Body
 The Insightful Body

 Автор: Julie McKay

  SomaCentric Dialoguing offers therapists simple yet effective techniques for improving communication with their clients, and for helping clients understand and articulate the messages of their body. In this accessible introduction to the approach, Julie McKay outlines the core techniques and describes how they can be applied to make therapeutic sessions more effective. Explaining that individuals communicate and process information in different
 Children and Adolescents in Trauma
 Children and Adolescents in Trauma

 Автор: Kedar Nath Dwivedi

  Children and Adolescents in Trauma presents a variety of creative approaches to working with young people in residential children's homes, secure or psychiatric units, and special schools. The contributors describe a wide range of approaches, including art therapy and literature, and how creative methods are applied in cases of abuse, trauma, violence, self-harm and identity development. They discuss the impact of abuse and mistreatment u
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