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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Corneal Graft Failure
 Corneal Graft Failure

 Автор: CIBA Foundation Symposium

  The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.
 Evidence-Based Ophthalmology
 Evidence-Based Ophthalmology

 Автор: Richard Wormald

  Evidence-Based Ophthalmology offers a unique approach to managing eye disease. From systematic reviewing of evidence, this book provides an overview of techniques for optimum management in key areas, including glaucoma, cataract and retinal disease – an invaluable reference source for practitioners worldwide representing an important contribution to the literature. Key Features International authorship by leading Cochrane participants An unbiase
 Ophthalmology at a Glance
 Ophthalmology at a Glance

 Автор: Jane Olver

  Ophthalmology at a Glance is a concise textbook written as part of the highly successful at a Glance series. The book follows the classic format of topics laid out in a double page spread, with clear diagrams illustrating the essential information and supporting the main text. This makes learning and understanding a topic more simple and effective. Ophthalmology at a Glance is written to provide a straightforward and easy-to-use guide for the Op

 Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorders
 Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorders

 Автор: Helen Davis

  The aim of this book has always been to give guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of ocular motility disorders based on clinical experience, as opposed to a comprehensive treatise on the subject drawn from the primary literature. The Third Edition sees a new team of authors who have kept very much to this priniciple in their nevertheless thorough revision of the book. Whilst there are no new chapters as such, the immediate impact of the revis
 Manual for Eye Examination and Diagnosis
 Manual for Eye Examination and Diagnosis

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Health professionals and students need look no further than the seventh edition of Leitman's Manual for Eye Examination and Diagnosis for a concise introduction to eye diagnosis and treatment. Designed to be read cover-to-cover, this short, well illustrated text summarizes key points needed for understanding basic examination techniques, use of instruments and major ophthalmic disorders. It provides a strong foundation of knowledge on which to g
 Записки пенитенциарного офтальмолога
 Записки пенитенциарного офтальмолога

 Автор: Александр Валерьевич Борисов
 Год: 2018

  Это в частности, взгляд на офтальмохирургию 60-70 годов 20 века из века 21. Я был связан с работой в этой системе и условиях неполных 14 лет. Помню как первые три года пациенты совсем не хотели ехать. Потом наступило другое время, пациенты, видя полученные результаты, просились на лечение. Больше десятка лет оперировать приходилось в телескопических очках. Когда появился микроскоп, перечень операций расширился.
 Болезни глаз. Причины, профилактика, лечение
 Болезни глаз. Причины, профилактика, лечение

 Автор: Леонид Рудницкий
 Год: 2018

  Жизнь наша такова, что с возрастом приходят не только знания, профессиональный опыт и житейская мудрость, но и болезни глаз. Одни из самых распространенных – это глаукома и катаракта. О том, как вовремя заметить признаки заболевания, подобрать правильный метод лечения, а лучше всего – предупредить недуг, рассказывается в этой книге. Из нее вы узнаете о новейших методиках, применяемых для лечения болезней глаз, – медикаментозной, ультразвуковой,
 Rapid Ophthalmology
 Rapid Ophthalmology

 Автор: Coombes Andrew

  A brand new title in the Rapid series, providing a concise, structured approach for students preparing for ophthalmology examinations Presents a thorough foundation of ophthalmology knowledge, emphasising clinically relevant information, in the familiar 'Rapid' series format where diseases are presented in alphabetical order so aiding quick look-up of conditions Ideal for use in busy clinical settings, such as clinics and hospital wards, while o
 Handbook of Retinal Screening in Diabetes. Diagnosis and Management
 Handbook of Retinal Screening in Diabetes. Diagnosis and Management

 Автор: Batey Deborah

  Beginning with chapters summarizing the basics of diabetic retinopathy, this updated volume outlines the need for screening, how to screen safely and correctly, and the normal condition of the retina without diabetic retinopathy, all using excellent line and halftone illustrations. The core focus then moves on to examining each different form of retinopathy, all supported by outstanding color retinal photographs illustrating the appearance of th
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