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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Neurological Differential Diagnosis
 Neurological Differential Diagnosis

 Автор: Roongroj Bhidayasiri

  Neurology is primarily characterized by a variety of diseases which seem very similar and are therefore difficult to distinguish between. Skill at differential diagnosis is therefore absolutely paramount. Neurological Differential Diagnosis is a streamlined handbook of prioritized differential diagnosis, to be used both in clinical practice and for exam review. By presenting differential diagnosis in order of frequency and importance, this book
 Transient Ischemic Attacks
 Transient Ischemic Attacks

 Автор: Seemant Chaturvedi

  This book was born from the synthesis of the rapidly proliferating field of cerebrovascular disease research, excitement about effective new imaging and therapeutic strategies, and the need to timely educate clinicians about the changing playing field for a common, serious and expensive syndrome – transient ischemic attacks (TIA). TIAs can now stand on their own as an important, and, at times, unique aspect of symptomatic cerebrovascular disease
 Evidence-Based Neurology
 Evidence-Based Neurology

 Автор: Livia Candelise

  In Evidence-based Neurology: Management of Neurological Disorders a carefully selected group of clinically experienced collaborators use the best available evidence to answer more than 100 clinical questions about the treatment and management of neurological disorders. Divided into three sections and 24 chapters, this book fills the gap between guidelines and primary studies as well as between primary and secondary scientific medical literature

 Sleep Medicine Essentials
 Sleep Medicine Essentials

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Based on the highly acclaimed Sleep: A Comprehensive Handbook, this is a concise, convenient, practical, and affordable handbook on sleep medicine. It consists of forty topic-focused chapters written by a panel of international experts covering a range of topics including insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, parasomnias, circadian sleep disorders, sleep in the elderly, sleep in children, sleep among women, and sleep in the medical, psychiatric, an
 Brain and Mind
 Brain and Mind

 Автор: CIBA Foundation Symposium

  The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.
 Metal-based Neurodegeneration
 Metal-based Neurodegeneration

 Автор: Robert Crichton

  This exciting new book opens a window into the causes of debilitating neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, CJD and Huntington’s disease, and gives indications of the prospects for therapy, based on the understanding of molecular defects involved in these diseases. Looking at each specific neurological disorder in turn, the book outlines the role of metals in human biology, in particular in the brain and explores tools for testing
 Drug Induced Movement Disorders
 Drug Induced Movement Disorders

 Автор: Anthony Lang

  The second revised edition of this text will update and present current state of the art clinical approaches to this subject. This book will continue to be the source text of information on drug-induced movement disorders authored and edited by the pioneers in the field. It will be an invaluable addition to the library of any neurologist.
 Neuroimmunology in Clinical Practice
 Neuroimmunology in Clinical Practice

 Автор: Bernadette Kalman

  Written by field experts, Neuroimmunology in Clinical Practice fills a void in traditional neuroimmunology literature, which tends to cover the discipline’s scientific aspects with little emphasis on clinical applications. This unique book is essential reading in clinical neuroimmunology. Written by field experts this book provides a comprehensive description of immune mediated neurological disorders complemented with the most pertinent and up t
 Parkinsonian Disorders in Clinical Practice
 Parkinsonian Disorders in Clinical Practice

 Автор: Anthony Schapira

  This book gives the reader an up-to-date, clear and logical idea of what caring for parkinsonian patients entails – a challenge that clinicians will face for many years to come. It is split into three sections: Section 1: A compilation of the major brain lesions typically seen in PD Section 2: Treatment options in PD Section 3: 25 cases designed to test the reader and the practical application of the information supplied in the other sections.
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