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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 European Handbook of Neurological Management
 European Handbook of Neurological Management

 Автор: Michael Brainin

  The European Handbook of Neurological Management, published in collaboration with the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS), is a unique book that brings together peer-reviewed guidelines for the treatment and management of neurological disease. For the first time, neurologists can find advice on management aspects of most neurological disorders that is either evidence-based or, where the evidence is inadequate, the consensus guid
 Neural Transplantation in Neurodegenerative Disease
 Neural Transplantation in Neurodegenerative Disease

 Автор: Jamie Goode A.

  The field of neural transplantation is at a crucial stage, with important clinical trials on transplantation in patients with Parkinson's disease nearing completion and novel, alternative approaches to fetal transplantation being developed. This timely book brings together leading neuroscientists, clinicians, and cell and developmental biologists to discuss the use of neural transplants in neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's disease
 Pediatric Headaches in Clinical Practice
 Pediatric Headaches in Clinical Practice

 Автор: Paul Winner

  This book is a foundation for further study into childhood headache and serve as a quick, up-to-date reference for the recognition, diagnosis, basic understanding, evaluation and management of headache disorders in children and adolescents. Covers primary headache disorders including migraine Covers secondary headaches, including sinus, and post traumatic headache Provides thoughtful guidelines on behavioural management strategies as well as pha

 Therapeutics of Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders
 Therapeutics of Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders

 Автор: Mark Hallett

  Provides a comprehensive update on therapies for Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders Describes the basic mechanisms of neurodegeneration, pharmacologic interventions for motor and non-motor symptoms, and surgical management Features summary tables and algorithms that serve as a quick reference guide for practical treatment decisions The expert guidance of recognised authorities will enable readers of this book to plan their patients
 Neuronal and Cognitive Effects of Oestrogens
 Neuronal and Cognitive Effects of Oestrogens

 Автор: Jamie Goode A.

  Although normally thought of as a sex hormone, recent research has highlighted the numerous and significant effects that oestrogen has on the CNS, extending far beyond its important reproductive role. It has been shown that oestrogen acts as a neural growth factor with important influences on the survival, plasticity, regeneration and ageing of the mammalian brain. This exciting book brings together leading clinicians and researchers to discuss
 Surgical Management of Spinal Cord Injury
 Surgical Management of Spinal Cord Injury

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Surgical Management of Spinal Cord Injury: Controversies and Consensus reviews the controversies pertaining to the emergency, diagnostic, medical, and surgical management of spinal cord injury (SCI). In vitro studies, animal models, and clinical outcome analyses have all failed to yield incontrovertible guidelines that define the role of surgery in SCI. As a result, there is no consensus regarding the necessity, timing, nature, or approach of su
 Outcome of Severe Damage to the Central Nervous System
 Outcome of Severe Damage to the Central Nervous System

 Автор: CIBA Foundation Symposium

  The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.
 Growth Factors as Drugs for Neurological and Sensory Disorders
 Growth Factors as Drugs for Neurological and Sensory Disorders

 Автор: Gregory Bock R.

  Degeneration of sensory receptors or of the nerves innervating them leads to a sensory deficit. Various strategies have been tried for promoting regrowth of sensory receptors, particularly in the eye and ear. The latest data from experimental studies in animals are presented in the book including applications of BDNF and CNTF in the eye and epidermal growth factor in the ear.
 Дофамин: самый нужный гормон. Как молекула управляет человеком
 Дофамин: самый нужный гормон. Как молекула управляет человеком

 Автор: Дениэл Либерман
 Год: 2018

  Почему любовь проходит, а чувства остывают? Почему «острые ощущения» теряют свои яркие краски? Почему мы можем быть одержимы желанием получить что-либо и потерять всякий интерес, как только это становится нашим? И что связывает секс, творчество и политические убеждения? Ответ на эти вопросы кроется в одной-единственной молекуле – дофамине. Как этот гормон заставляет нас рисковать всем ради нового и неизведанного, расскажет американский исследова
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