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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Multiple Sclerosis. Diagnosis and Therapy
 Multiple Sclerosis. Diagnosis and Therapy

 Автор: Stankiewicz James M.

  Multiple Sclerosis: a complex disease requiring sophisticated management Multiple Sclerosis poses labyrinthine challenges. There is no blood test to rely on for diagnosis; clinical acumen is essential. Yet an effective diagnosis only takes you part of the way: treatment offers further enigmas. The MS treatment landscape is complicated, and will become even more so with time. Multiple Sclerosis: Diagnosis and Therapy is the map you need to naviga

 Автор: Barrett Kevin M.

  Stroke is a leading cause of disability and death Early and rapid diagnosis of stroke is essential for identifying the optimum treatment strategy. Recurrence can be prevented if the underlying mechanism is understood. The earlier appropriate rehabilitation programmes can be started, the better the chance of a strong recovery. Stroke provides the foundations for practice that will enhance your patient’s chances of recovery. The expert authors pro
 Adult Epilepsy
 Adult Epilepsy

 Автор: Cascino Gregory D.

  Designed to provide a comprehensive but accessible introduction to epilepsy and seizure disorders, Adult Epilepsy provides state-of-the-art information in a concise format useful to a wide audience, from neurology residents to epilepsy fellows and practitioners. This illustrated guide to the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of epilepsy is a valuable resource enabling clinicians to stay on top of the latest recommendations for best practice.

 ABC of Epilepsy
 ABC of Epilepsy

 Автор: Smithson W. Henry

  ABC of Epilepsy provides a practical guide for general practitioners, and all those working in primary care, on the diagnosis, treatment and management of epilepsy, and for the continued monitoring and long term support of what is still a relatively poorly understood neurological disorder. This brand new title in the ABC series is highly illustrated throughout and presents what epilepsy is, its classification, and how to diagnose it. It covers a
 ABC of Stroke
 ABC of Stroke

 Автор: Walker Marion F.

  Stroke is the most common cause of adult disability and is of increasing importance within ageing populations. This brand new title in the ABC series covers the entire patient journey, from prevention through to long-term support. It includes primary prevention and management of risk factors for stroke and secondary prevention including pharmaceutical, lifestyle and surgical intervention. The general principles of stroke rehabilitation are also
 Neurodegeneration. The Molecular Pathology of Dementia and Movement Disorders
 Neurodegeneration. The Molecular Pathology of Dementia and Movement Disorders

 Автор: Weller Roy O.

  Most textbooks on neurodegenerative disorders have used a classification scheme based upon either clinical syndromes or anatomical distribution of the pathology. In contrast, this book looks to the future and uses a classification based upon molecular mechanisms, rather than clinical or anatomical boundaries. Major advances in molecular genetics and the application of biochemical and immunocytochemical techniques to neurodegenerative disorders h
 Non-Parkinsonian Movement Disorders
 Non-Parkinsonian Movement Disorders

 Автор: Hall Deborah A.

  A clinical ‘in the office’ or ‘at the bedside’ guide to effective patient care for neurologists in practice and in training Each presentation includes practical descriptions of phenomenology, and key clinical information from the history and neurological examination that guide the physician to the correct diagnosis, and treatment options Throughout the book Science Revisited highlights remind clinicians of the scientific anchors related to each

 Автор: Goodkin Howard P.

  Epilepsy is common but complex Epilepsy is a complicated neurological condition with variable manifestations, numerous etiologies, and a diverse range of treatments. It is a chronic disease that, in many cases, can be controlled. However, treatment requires accurate clinical evaluation to allow intelligent treatment choices. Epilepsy has been designed to help you develop these evaluation skills. Expert neurologists have distilled the evidence an

 Автор: Schiff David

  Cancer imposes daunting effects on the nervous system Brain cancer is one of the most devastating diagnoses a physician can deliver. Cancer of the nervous system can take many different forms. Treatment is specific to the type of malignancy, its location in the nervous system and, increasingly, its molecular characteristics. The challenges manifest further when management choices need to be made, and multidisciplinary approaches are required. Ad
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