What do women want? Black women and white aspire to excel, empower others, and earn well in their careers, but confront different hurdles in pursuit of these goals, as they have started the race from different gates. Progress for all women, we posit, depends on first recognizing their differences. In this book we show how history accounts for both the invisibility that keeps black women from attaining power as well as the ambivalence that constr ...
The Center for Talent Innovation's new study, Mission Critical: Unlocking the Value of Veterans in the Workforce, reveals how companies can ensure their veteran talent thrives in the corporate world. Veterans represent a highly desirable talent pool when they transition to civilian careers. They retain the passion for service and camaraderie that drew them into the military, and they bring leadership and technical skills honed in a pressure ...
THE CENTER FOR TALENT INNOVATION (CTI) is an NYC-based think tank which focuses on global talent strategies and the retention and acceleration of well-qualified labor across the divides of gender, generation, geography, and culture. CTI’s research partners now number 86 multinational corporations and organizations. ...
Women in the US exercise decision-making control over $11.2 trillion of investable assets and 62% of women in the US, UK, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and India identify as the primary source of household assets. Yet, a majority (53%) of female wealth in these markets is unmanaged by an advisor and, according to new research from the Center for Talent Innovation (CTI), closing the gap will require, in part, correcting industry perceptions of wom ...
Is it more profitable for workers and their employers to be «out» in the workplace? What's holding back the «model minority»? A compendium of groundbreaking research studies conducted by bestselling author and notable economist Sylvia Ann Hewlett and her team at The Center for Talent Innovation, Brainpower provides hard data to back up claims, including: The Power of «OUT», Off-Ramps and On-Ramps Revisited, Asians in America, and The X Fact ...
Предметной областью статьи выступает кадровая стратегия современной организации как один из факторов, прямо влияющих на ее рыночные позиции. Уточняется понятие социально ориентированной кадровой стратегии и аргументируется тезис о том, что ее правомерно рассматривать в качестве дополнительного конкурентного преимущества конкретного хозяйствующего субъекта – работодателя. Формулируются и обосновываются критерии, с помощью которых можно объективно ...
Employers look for two things when hiring or promoting people: knowledge and skill. They rarely, if ever, consider character. Yet character is the key to extraordinary business success. The Good Ones presents ten crucial qualities of high-character employees, qualities that enhance employee satisfaction, client relationships, and the bottom line. You’ll read stories from managers and employees across the U.S. and beyond who reveal how ho ...
В учебно-методическом пособии представлено программно-методическое обеспечение первой и второй производственных практик (практик по получению профессиональных умений и опыта информационно-аналитической и предпринимательской профессиональной деятельности). Для обучающихся по направлению подготовки 38.03.02 Менеджмент, профиль «Менеджмент в инвестиционно-строительной сфере» очной формы обучения. ...