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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual

Here's Proof Only We Conservatives Have Our Heads Screwed On Straight!!!

Here's Proof Only We Conservatives Have Our Heads Screwed On Straight!!!
Автор: Lowell M.D. Green
Издательство: Ingram
Cтраниц: 1
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9781456606077
Качество: excellent
As usual Lowell Green, one of Canada&#39;s best selling authors and the Country&#39;s most honoured broadcaster, rushes in where angels fear to tread! <br><br>His latest book, (his sixth best seller) &quot;Here&#39;s proof only we conservatives have our heads screwed on straight&quot; makes you shake your head with disbelief as writes about the truly magnificent screw-ups the granola-crunching, tree hugging, thug huggers have plunged us into over the years.<br><br>&quot;Thank heavens,&quot; he says , &quot;that with people like Churchill, Thatcher, Reagan, Giuliani, Merkel, Harris and hopefully Harper and maybe even Cameron, there&#39;s almost always been a clear-thinking, fearless, principled Conservative or conservative thinker to rescue us from left wing lunacy and economic chaos.&quot;<br><br>Fresh from the incredible success of his most recent book, &quot;Mayday! Mayday! Curb immigration. Stop multiculturalism, or it&#39;s the end of the Canada we know&quot;, Green&#39;s latest work unleashes a firestorm of wit, wisdom and common sense that is bound to delight, titillate, entertain and educate all those who don&#39;t believe group hugs and long walks on lonely beaches with our enemies will solve the world&#39;s problems.<br><br>If there is any doubt in anyone&#39;s mind whether they should buy &quot;Here&#39;s Proof&quot;, there&#39;s a dandy little quiz in the first few pages that provides guidance and hopefully assistance to prevent severe trauma to delicate liberal and socialist sensitilities!

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