Whether you need to manage a post-transplant infection or reduce the possibility of infection, you will find effective guidance in this handbook. The work of the American Society of Transplantation Infectious Diseases Community of Practice, this reference exclusively uses tables and flowcharts to speed up decision making. This distinguished group of investigators and teachers provide point of care information on optimum management of infection i ...
ABC of Arterial and Venous Disease provides a structured, practical approach to clinical assessment, investigation and management of the most commonly presenting arterial and venous disorders. Structural and functional abnormalities of arteries and veins manifest clinically in a broad spectrum of disorders, including cerebrovascular and carotid artery disease, abdominal aortic aneurysms, acute and chronic limb ischaemia, vasculitis and varicose ...
This new edition of Surgery at a Glance provides a concise and visually-orientated summary of a comprehensive lecture course in surgery. Following the easy-to-use at a Glance format, each topic is presented with clear illustrations and key facts encapsulating all that you need to know. The book is coherently divided into clinical presentations followed by major surgical conditions. Exploring core principals and important diseases, it is an acces ...
With all the complex issues of acceptance or rejection of a transplanted organ, immunology is a key subject for all transplantation clinicians. During recent years, there has been an explosion of research and knowledge in this area. Produced in association with the American Society of Transplantation, and written by experts within the field, Transplant Immunology provides a comprehensive overview of the topic in relation to clinical transplantat ...
Focusing exclusively on the surgical management of aortic arch disease in adults, this concise reference provides authoritative guidance on both standard and alternative approaches from internationally recognized experts. Topics include: general principles of aortic diseases imaging techniques intraoperative management neurologic protection strategies options for aortic repair surgical treatment of specific problems complications Abundant illust ...
Во втором издании учебника (предыдущее вышло в 2004 г.) нашли отражение современные тенденции развития топографической (клинической) анатомии и хирургии. Книга нацелена на улучшение подготовки студентов к будущей работе в качестве врача-лечебника и включает обучение практическим действиям: неотложным оперативным вмешательствам в экстренных ситуациях, малоинвазивной хирургической помощи, несложным стандартным операциям. Основные топографо-анатоми ...
Включает в себя описание основных сестринских манипуляций и способов общего ухода за хирургическими больными, предусмотренных учебной программой, показания к ним, технику выполнения, возможные ошибки и осложнения. Изложены организация и проведение санитарно-эпидемиологических мероприятий по профилактике внутрибольничной инфекции в приемном покое хирургического стационара, хирургическом отделении и его функциональных подразделениях, отделении инт ...
This timely new book, written by a transplant administrator with over sixteen years of experience, along with other expert contributors, covers the specifics of each aspect of transplant administration, providing information that will enable new administrators to quickly master essentials, help more seasoned administrators evaluate and improve their programs, and generally provide a knowledge base, focused on best-practices in light of regulator ...
To improve the diagnosis and management of patients with vascular disease turn to the most authoritative and trusted reference for 36 years and counting . . . The role of the vascular surgeon has evolved. Vascular surgeons now perform minimally invasive vascular procedures and provide comprehensive care in addition to open surgery. Haimovici’s Vascular Surgery, now in its 6th edition, has been extensively updated to provide you with: Expert pers ...