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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Migraine Surgery
 Migraine Surgery

 Автор: Bahman Guyuron

  Highly Commended by the BMA Medical Book Awards for Surgical Specialties! An estimated 11.7% of the U.S. population or nearly 38 million adults and children suffer from migraine headaches. A severe and highly debilitating type of headache, migraine is the third most common and eighth most disabling disease in the world. People who suffer from migraines often experience neurological symptoms such as nausea and visual disturbances. Despite opti

 Автор: Mark B. Constantian

  Rhinoplasty: Craft and Magic , by Dr. Mark B. Constantian, a master work by a master surgeon, is destined to change the way you practice rhinoplasty. It is essential reading for all surgeons interested in nasal surgery. For many surgeons, rhinoplasty is seen as a complex and often mystifying operation. This book takes the mystery out of rhinoplasty, making it both understandable and controllable, demonstrating that function can always be imp
 Fundamental Topics in Plastic Surgery
 Fundamental Topics in Plastic Surgery

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Given the wide-ranging nature of the literature one must study in plastic surgery training, a solid grounding in many fundamental principles and procedures is an absolute prerequisite to becoming a competent plastic surgeon. And yet, until now there has been no single source that collects these fundamental topics in one volume; rather, the information has had to be gleaned from the introductory chapters of multiple comprehensive textbooks. The p

 Essentials of Aesthetic Surgery
 Essentials of Aesthetic Surgery

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Essentials of Aesthetic Surgery may fit in your pocket, but this easy-to-follow guide is teeming with valuable cutting-edge topics in cosmetic surgery. Focusing on both traditional and emerging concepts, techniques and innovations in aesthetic surgery, this portable book draws from the expertise of experienced surgeons to provide step-by-step instructions for the procedures surgeons build their careers on. This comprehensive guide offers read
 Comprehensive Cleft Care: Family Edition
 Comprehensive Cleft Care: Family Edition

 Автор: Группа авторов

  For parents, learning that their newest family member may bring some unexpected challenges along with the blessing of his or her arrival can take a bit of adjustment. They have questions and need a trusted source of information to allay their fears. You are that source. However, most of the time, parents receive almost too much information to take in all at once, and questions arise as they digest the information. The parents of your patients m
 Essentials of Plastic Surgery
 Essentials of Plastic Surgery

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Presenting essential topics in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, this second edition of the bestselling Essentials of Plastic Surgery has been totally revised and updated to reflect substantial advances in this dynamic specialty. Coverage includes aesthetic surgery, face lift, neck lift, fillers, and breast augmentation along with reconstructive topics such as wound healing and microsurgery. This edition contains the work of many new cont
 Essentials of Plastic Surgery
 Essentials of Plastic Surgery

 Автор: Alex P. Jones

  Essentials of Plastic Surgery: A Companion is the companion to Essentials of Plastic Surgery, Second Edition , which covers a wide variety of topics in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. As such, it is designed to test your knowledge of the source book, which may be helpful in the clinical setting and beyond. It presents both multiple choice questions and extended matching questions in single best answer format. The 1200 questions
 Flow Diversion of Cerebral Aneurysms
 Flow Diversion of Cerebral Aneurysms

 Автор: Felipe C. Albuquerque

  From detachable balloons and GDC coils to the recent advent of flow diversion, practitioners of have endovascular neurosurgery been fortunate to work in an era of rapid and exciting advances. The first commercially available flow diverter in the U.S. was approved specifically for a small subset of cerebral aneurysms. Recent experience has demonstrated its utility in treating challenging or otherwise untreatable aneurysms, safely and efficaciousl
 Hand Trauma: Illustrated Surgical Guide of Core Procedures
 Hand Trauma: Illustrated Surgical Guide of Core Procedures

 Автор: Dariush Nikkhah

  Surgical treatment of hand trauma is a highly complex form of surgery that requires mastery of several different disciplines, including microsurgery of blood vessels less than 1 mm in diameter, osteosynthesis, and flap coverage of traumatic defects. Combining these disciplines into an effective surgical repertoire requires no little creativity. This work intends to provide clear, practical guidance to the less experienced so that they gain conf
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