Complete Cleft Care is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to the assessment and treatment of patients suffering from cleft and velopharyngeal disorders. It covers multiple treatment modalities such as unilateral and bilateral cleft lip repair, secondary speech assessment and surgery, cleft rhinoplasty, gingivoperiosteoplasty, and alveolar bone grafting. The book includes videos, available online at Thiemes Media Center, that demonstrate speci ...
This book highlights the successful collaboration of plastic surgeons, neurosurgeons, and, in some cases, ENT, maxillofacial, oral, and oculoplastic surgeons, in treating some of the most complex craniofacial, skull-based, intracranial, and spinal problems. Beginning with the basic principles of wound healing and flap rotation, you will find full discussions of craniofacial anomalies, skull base tumors, scalp closures, skull defects, management ...
Focusing on the clinical information that must be mastered for success on oral board exams, Plastic Surgery Case Review presents 50 case studies, each of which highlights a specific topic that is frequently covered in the oral boards. It contains short, high-yield chapters that are designed to serve as a thorough yet quick review of pertinent information that physicians will encounter in the examination.Key Features: Each chapter begins with ...
Designed to bring all of orbital anatomy into perspective, this expert reference is the first to: 1) Provide a comprehensive review of the microsurgical anatomy of the orbit and sellar region; 2) Demonstrate the relationship of the orbit and surrounding structures; and 3) Illustrate orbital structures from multiple operative approaches Hundreds of vivid dissections show the orbit from above, below, laterally, medially, and anteriorly, with illus ...
Removing a cancer is often only half the battle for the head & neck cancer surgeon. Removing the cancer might require removing large portions of a patients jaw, tounge or other vital structure. The aim of this text is to offer the readership a guide to the options available for head and neck reconstruction and the technique for achieving the optimal functional and aesthetic results. This book will cover the reconstruction of major soft t ...
Essentials of Spinal Cord Injury is written for the spinal cord injury (SCI) team and reflects the multidisciplinary nature of treating patients with SCI. It integrates emerging medical and surgical approaches to SCI with neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuroimaging, neuroplasticity, and cellular transplantation. This comprehensive yet concise reference will enable neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, and allied health professionals ...
Because of tremendous advancements in research, neurosurgical oncology has become increasingly complex, and it is imperative that physicians have scientific evidence to guide and defend their decision making as they strive to provide the best patient care. Controversies in Neuro-Oncology: Best Evidence Medicine for Brain Tumor Surgery , written by world-renowned experts, is a comprehensive guide that compiles, synthesizes, and summarizes the mo ...
Surgical Management of Pain, Second Edition, is a completely updated state-of-the-art reference on neurosurgical pain management. This new edition is in full color and includes the following sections: Anatomic and Physiologic Foundations for Nociceptive and Neuropathic Pain, Pain Medicine, Pain Diagnoses, Surgical Procedures for Pain, and New Directions for Pain Surgery. The chapters in the book focus on procedures that are currently performed ...