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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Diabetes Management in Long-Term Settings
 Diabetes Management in Long-Term Settings

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Diabetes Management in Long-Term Settings is a clinical guide for the treatment of elderly patients with diabetes. With the number of older adults growing exponentially and with a growing percentage of this group facing diabetic and prediabetic conditions, Diabetes Management in Long-Term Settings will help physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and administrators develop effective programs to care for this growing population. It is a practical clinic
 Your First Year with Diabetes
 Your First Year with Diabetes

 Автор: Theresa Garnero

  Your First Year with Diabetes is the 12-month plan for anyone who has recently been diagnosed with diabetes. Taking readers step-by-step through the first year, this practical and humorous guide includes a basic explanation of the disease, instructions on checking glucose, and details about about diabetes nutrition, avoiding complications, and better management. In addition to her clinical expertise, author and cartoonist Theresa Garnero brings
 Medical Management of Pregnancy Complicated by Diabetes
 Medical Management of Pregnancy Complicated by Diabetes

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Pregnancy complicated by preexisting diabetes can be managed through expert protocols and patient partnerships. Based on the new American Diabetes Association recommendations, this revised edition widely expands on the fourth edition. Topics include: pre-pregnancy counseling, contraception, psychological impact, morning sickness, nutritional management, insulin, diagnostic testing and surveillance, gestational diabetes, neonatal care of infants,

 Exercise and Diabetes
 Exercise and Diabetes

 Автор: Sheri R. Colberg

  Physical movement has a positive effect on physical fitness, morbidity, and mortality in individuals with diabetes. Although exercise has long been considered a cornerstone of diabetes management, many health care providers fail to prescribe it. In addition, many fitness professionals may be unaware of the complexities of including physical activity in the management of diabetes. Giving patients or clients a full exercise prescription that take
 Putting Your Patients on the Pump
 Putting Your Patients on the Pump

 Автор: Karen M. Bolderman

  In a clear and concise style, the extensively revised Putting Your Patients on the Pump offers physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, clinicians, and educators experience and practical guidance on how to help patients successfully manage their diabetes using an insulin pump. Ten chapters provide an in-depth description of insulin pump therapy advantages and disadvantages, pump and infusion set options and selection, pump candidat
 The American Diabetes Association/JDRF Type 1 Diabetes Sourcebook
 The American Diabetes Association/JDRF Type 1 Diabetes Sourcebook

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The American Diabetes Association/JDRF Type 1 Diabetes Sourcebook serves as both an evidence-based reference work and consensus report outlining the most critical components of care for individuals with type 1 diabetes throughout their lifespan. The volume serves not only as a comprehensive guide for clinicians, but also reviews the evidence supporting these components of care and provides a perspective on the critical areas of research that are
 21 Things You Need to Know About Diabetes and Your Feet
 21 Things You Need to Know About Diabetes and Your Feet

 Автор: Neil M. Scheffler

  Foot problems are a key concern for people with diabetes. Common foot issues usually stem from loss of sensation and can lead to ulcers and sometimes amputation. There are ways to avoid these issues and care for feet that are at risk, but such information is either spread all over larger self-care encyclopedias or hidden on websites across the Internet.21 Things You Need to Know about Diabetes and Your Feet fills this gap by offering people with
 Insulin Pumps and Continuous Glucose Monitoring
 Insulin Pumps and Continuous Glucose Monitoring

 Автор: Francine R. Kaufman

  A diabetes diagnosis no longer means giving up an active life. New technology, such as insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors, can help people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes stay active and flexible and maintain healthy attitudes and lifestyles. Insulin Pumps and Continuous Glucose Monitoring explains how this new technology can dramatically improve care, as well as how to prepare for the physical and psychological challenges that c
 American Diabetes Association Guide to Nutrition Therapy for Diabetes
 American Diabetes Association Guide to Nutrition Therapy for Diabetes

 Автор: Marion J. Franz

  Diabetes greatly affects how people's bodies manage the food they eat. It is essential that people with diabetes follow a carefully structured meal plan and learn specific skills in order to better control their blood glucose levels. The tactics for helping people manage their diabetes through how they eat is called medical nutrition therapy (MNT).Here the American Diabetes Association presents all of the key information and strategies for
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