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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Medical Management of Type 2 Diabetes
 Medical Management of Type 2 Diabetes

 Автор: Группа авторов

  As type 2 diabetes continues its rise in prevalence worldwide, there is an increasing need to study it and describe successful treatments. There are several options for treatment, including oral medications, diet and lifestyle modification, and insulin therapy. Knowing which method to select and how to apply it relies on several clinical guidelines that are updated every year by the American Diabetes Association.This new edition of Medical Manag
 Medical Management of Type 1 Diabetes
 Medical Management of Type 1 Diabetes

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Type 1 diabetes, formerly known as juvenile diabetes, is a complex disorder that requires a great deal of patient-guided self-care. In recent years, advances in diabetes treatment have dramatically shifted potential outcomes in the favor of the patient with diabetes. The challenge for health care professionals is to realize this potential through an individualized, flexible, and responsive treatment plan for patients with type 1 diabetes.Now in
 Behavioral Approaches to Treating Obesity
 Behavioral Approaches to Treating Obesity

 Автор: Birgitta Adolfsson

  As governments and health care systems direct more attention and resources to treating the rising rates of obesity worldwide, one thing has become very clear: obesity is best treated as a chronic condition. The most effective approach to care is often a behavioral one, in which health care providers and patients rely on teamwork, respect, and conversation to motivate lifestyle change. This collaborative model is essential because decisions about

 American Diabetes Association Guide to Insulin and Type 2 Diabetes
 American Diabetes Association Guide to Insulin and Type 2 Diabetes

 Автор: Marie McCarren

  User-friendly guide covers all aspects of insulin use in type 2 diabetesThe American Diabetes Association Guide to Insulin & Type 2 Diabetes addresses common fears about insulin therapy and what is involved with beginning to use insulin. Additional chapters discuss fine-tuning of insulin self-management, gadgets to make life easier, and troubleshooting steps to overcome any problems readers may have.
 Type 2 Diabetes for Beginners
 Type 2 Diabetes for Beginners

 Автор: Phyllis Barrier

  With this book readers learn how to take care of themselves or someone they love when diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Completely updated, this second edition of Type 2 Diabetes for Beginners provides insight and information on how to live with diabetes. Checking blood sugar, taking medications, planning meals, losing weight, combating stress and depression, and dealing with long-term diabetes problems are just a few of the topics covered in this
 50 Things You Need to Know about Diabetes
 50 Things You Need to Know about Diabetes

 Автор: Kathleen Stanley

  Diabetes self-care explained in 50 easy-to-understand conceptsManaging diabetes is sometimes scary—but it doesn’t need to be. This book cuts through the confusing and sometimes conflicting information about diabetes and lets you know the most important factors in staying healthy, eating right, and living well with diabetes. With an attractive, eye-catching, 2-color design, this book teaches you everything from picking the righ
 The Uncomplicated Guide to Diabetes Complications
 The Uncomplicated Guide to Diabetes Complications

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Diabetes complications can be prevented, and they can be treated.First you need to know how serious and life threatening the issues are that you're up against. Learn how to take care of yourself to prevent diabetes complications before they become deadly. Uncomplicated Guide to Diabetes Complications is divided into chapters on major parts and systems of the body and the diabetic complications that may affect them.This new edition covers ev
 Diabetes 911
 Diabetes 911

 Автор: Larry A. Fox

  What do people with diabetes do when something goes wrong? Many turn to Diabetes 911 for answers. It is the only book available that specifically addresses everything readers might ask, from everyday emergencies to what to do in case of a natural disaster. The first part of the book walks the reader through the basics of prevention—how to put together a diabetes survival kit, what supplies to keep on hand, and how to stay cool when an e
 8 Weeks to Maximizing Diabetes Control
 8 Weeks to Maximizing Diabetes Control

 Автор: Laura Hieronymus

  8 Weeks to Maximizing Diabetes Control is the diabetes management plan that helps you manage your diabetes. It’s the plan for when you don’t have a plan. The week-by-week approach of this book shows you how to put together a health care team, manage medications, understand and implement the basics of meal planning, improve blood glucose self-monitoring, start an exercise program, and more. Other books are encyclopedias about
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