В лесной глуши есть хижина, там живут две девушки. В их хижине нет электричества и почти не осталось еды. Однако они преданно ждут Маму и не рискуют выходить из леса в опасный внешний мир. Ждут уже шестьдесят три дня. А где-то далеко, в особняке у края леса, Николетта перебирает в комоде вещи своего мужа Бранта и случайно находит фотографию. Брант давно ведет себя странно, снимает тайно деньги со счетов и скрывает свои телефонные звонки. Но имен ...
The end is near. Detective Danielle DeMarco is challenged with her most intense case yet, and along with it, she inherits a host of personal problems. When a sorcerer is found dead in The Emporium, a spell shop brimming with magical potions, elixirs, and tinctures, Dani and her new tagalong, Primrose, are on the case. However, work turns personal when someone close to Dani is poisoned. To make matters worse, another of Detective DeMarco's ...
Meet Donald «Lucky» Gibson, an African-America detective. He was considered one of the best, until he joined his last unit. He quickly became corrupted. Instead of catching criminals, these cops were acting like one. They were labeled legal thugs with guns. After years of abusing his badge which led to an out of control coke habit, losing his family and falling in love with a young runaway prostitute. Lucky had enough. One night after an innocen ...
From the author of the action-packed Flint series comes the second book in a powerful new street series chronicling both sides of Baltimore's black market. ...