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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Зарубежная справочная литература
 Teach Yourself VISUALLY Office 2016
 Teach Yourself VISUALLY Office 2016

 Автор: Elaine Marmel

  Quickly and efficiently learn the latest version of Office Are you a visual learner who wants to spend more time working in Microsoft Office than trying to figure out how the programs actually work? Teach Yourself Visually Office offers you a straightforward, visual approach to making your work life more efficient and productive using the latest version of the Microsoft Office suite. Featuring visually rich tutorials and step-by-step instruction
 Success and Succession. Unlocking Value, Power, and Potential in the Professional Services and Advisory Space
 Success and Succession. Unlocking Value, Power, and Potential in the Professional Services and Advisory Space

 Автор: Eric Hehman

  An insightful look at leadership transition from the successor's perspective Success and Succession examines the leadership transition process from the successor's point of view, and outlines the considerations and strategies that lead to a better future for the business. With a focus on practical planning and execution, this insightful guide provides insight into the strategies that smooth the transition and help the new leadership make better
 Building Responsive Data Visualization for the Web
 Building Responsive Data Visualization for the Web

 Автор: Bill Hinderman

  Unchain your data from the desktop with responsive visualizations Building Responsive Data Visualization for the Web is a handbook for any front-end development team needing a framework for integrating responsive web design into the current workflow. Written by a leading industry expert and design lead at Starbase Go, this book provides a wealth of information and practical guidance from the perspective of a real-world designer. You'll walk thro

 Autodesk 3ds Max 2016 Essentials
 Autodesk 3ds Max 2016 Essentials

 Автор: Dariush Derakhshani

  Start animating right away with this tutorial-based guide to Autodesk 3ds Max 2016 Autodesk 3ds Max 2016 Essentials is your perfect hands-on guide to start animating quickly. Using approachable, real-world exercises, you'll master the fundamentals of this leading animation software by following full-color screen shots step by step. Each chapter opens with a quick discussion of concepts and learning objectives, and then launches into hands-on tut
 Juicing and Smoothies For Dummies
 Juicing and Smoothies For Dummies

 Автор: Pat Crocker

  Lose weight and feel great with juicing and smoothies For those of us who don't have time to cut up or cook fruits and vegetables with every meal, juices and smoothies are a fast and easy way to consume them at home or on the go. Packed with over 100 recipes, Juicing & Smoothies For Dummies covers the most up-to-date information on incorporating this healthy lifestyle into your everyday routine. From how to safely cleanse the body of toxins to t
 Gluten-Free All-In-One For Dummies
 Gluten-Free All-In-One For Dummies

 Автор: Consumer Dummies

  Everything you need to know about living a gluten-free lifestyle As the prevalence of gluten-free dieting continues to grow—both from necessity and choice—more and more people are searching for a healthy way to cut gluten out of their lives. Gluten-Free All-In-One For Dummies culls a wealth of indispensable information from six popular For Dummies books, providing you with an all-encompassing, one-stop resource for living and eating gluten-free.
 Canon EOS 7D Mark II For Dummies
 Canon EOS 7D Mark II For Dummies

 Автор: Doug Sahlin

  Get great digital shots with your Canon EOS 7D Mark II This full-color guide to the features and functions of the Canon EOS 7D Mark II makes it easy for first-time users to get the most out of the camera and capture cool, professional-level photos. Packed with examples on how to create eye-popping digital photos, Canon EOS 7D Mark II For Dummies gives you a plain-English tour of the camera's controls, shows how to manipulate focus and color, giv
 The Impact of IFRS on Industry
 The Impact of IFRS on Industry

 Автор: Mohan R. Lavi

  The industry-specific guide to IFRS interpretation and application One of the biggest challenges of any reporting standard is how best to interpret and implement it in the context of a specific company or industry, given that each industry has its own intricacies and nuances. The Impact of IFRS on Industry provides specific guidance on applying IFRS in a diverse range of sectors. Opening with an overview of IFRS, including a summary of all the s
 Becoming a Graphic and Digital Designer. A Guide to Careers in Design
 Becoming a Graphic and Digital Designer. A Guide to Careers in Design

 Автор: Steven Heller

  Begin your graphic design career now, with the guidance of industry experts Becoming a Graphic and Digital Designer is a single source guide to the myriad of options available to those pursuing a graphic design career. With an emphasis on portfolio requirements and job opportunities, this guide helps both students and individuals interested in entering the design field prepare for successful careers. Coverage includes design inspiration, design
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