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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Зарубежная литература о культуре и искусстве
 Частные случаи
 Частные случаи

 Автор: Борис Гройс
 Год: 2016

  «Частные случаи» – это сборник эссе о значимых произведениях искусства, созданных за последнее столетие, и их авторах, которые подтолкнули Бориса Гройса к новым открытиям и интерпретациям. Книга инспирирована искусством, как практикой, изменяющей взгляд и мышление. Книга представляет собой исследование ключевых вопросов, связанных с развитием современного искусства: оригинальность, вторичность, ценность произведений искусства, язык власти, заклю
 Como desees
 Como desees

 Автор: Cary Elwes

  Descubre los secretos del rodaje de La princesa prometida. Cary Elwes, el actor que da vida a Westley en la adaptacion a la gran pantalla de esta clasica historia, nos trae el maravilloso relato de las peripecias durante el rodaje de la pelicula basada en la novela de William Goldman. La princesa prometida lleva generaciones maravillando a jovenes y mayores por igual gracias a su combinacion perfecta de fantasia, humor e inteligencia. En este d
 Una mirada al libro electronico
 Una mirada al libro electronico

 Автор: Isabel Galina Russell

  El libro electronico representa algo mas que un cambio de soporte. Nos encontramos ante una resignificacion de los procesos y actores involucrados en la creacion de un libro, y hasta una reformulacion de lo que es un libro. Una mirada al libro electronico ofrece una vision critica a los temas centrales alrededor del libro electronico: sus antecedentes; los debates sobre su definicion y caracteristicas; los derechos de autor en la era digital; la

 The Poetics of Aristotle
 The Poetics of Aristotle

 Автор: Aristotle

  The Poetics of Aristotle is the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and first extant philosophical treatise to focus on literary theory. In it, Aristotle offers an account of what he calls «poetry». In this reflections Aristotle includes verse drama – comedy, tragedy, and the satyr play – as well as lyric poetry and epic poetry. The similarities and differences are being described in this work.
 Eminent Victorians
 Eminent Victorians

 Автор: Lytton Strachey

  Eminent Victorians is a book by Lytton Strachey, consisting of biographies of four leading figures from the Victorian era. Its fame rests on the irreverence and wit Strachey brought to bear on three men and a woman who had until then been regarded as heroes: Cardinal Manning, Florence Nightingale, Thomas Arnold and General Gordon (although Nightingale is actually praised and her reputation was enhanced). The book shows its other subjects in a le
 Lessons in Music Form
 Lessons in Music Form

 Автор: Percy Goetschius

  This manual treats of the structural designs of musical composition, not of the styles or species of music. It undertakes the thorough explanation of each design or form, from the smallest to the largest; and such comparison as serves to demonstrate the principle of natural evolution, in the operation of which the entire system originates. This explanation—be it well understood—is conducted solely with a view to the Analysis of musical works, an
 Vision de Anahuac
 Vision de Anahuac

 Автор: Alfonso Reyes

  Si bien la Vision de Anahuac, escrita en 1915 cuando Alfonso Reyes tenia 27 anos, pertenece a la primera epoca del autor, desde el punto de vista artistico es ya una obra definitiva: su estructura es organica, acabada.Ese texto -anterior a sus mas conocidos ensayos demuestra que Reyes ya dominaba la forma literaria, que ya tenia una gran conciencia de estilo y que la armonia era uno de sus principales moviles. Al mismo tiempo el texto revela que
 We Humans and the Intelligent Machines
 We Humans and the Intelligent Machines

 Автор: Jorg Drager

  Defeat cancer before it develops. Prevent crime before it happens. Get the perfect job without having to know the right people. Algorithms turn long-wished-for dreams into reality. At the same time, they can weaken solidarity in healthcare systems, lead to discriminatory court judgements and exclude individuals from the labor market. Algorithms are already deeply determining our lives. This book uses illuminating examples to describe the opport
 Radikal jung 2020
 Radikal jung 2020

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Das renommierte Festival fur den professionellen Regienachwuchs Radikal jung prasentiert in Munchen auch 2020 wieder die gro?tmogliche Bandbreite von Interessen, Herangehensweisen und Zugriffen einer jungen Generation von Theatermacherinnen und Theatermachern. Inszenierungen aus dem ganzen deutschen Sprachraum bilden die stetige Veranderung der Stadt- und Staatstheaterlandschaft ab. In ausfuhrlichen Werkportrats werden in diesem Buch junge Kunst
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