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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
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 De Magnete
 De Magnete

 Автор: William Gilbert J.

  Much of modern science is based upon the theories and discoveries of William Gilbert, the brilliant English physician and physicist who was the first great experimental scientist. Gilbert was the first to use the word «electricity,» to recognize mass as distinct from weight, to discover the effect of heat upon magnetic bodies, to differentiate clearly between static electricity and magnetism, and to explain phenomena of terrestrial magnetism in
 Einstein's Essays in Science
 Einstein's Essays in Science

 Автор: Albert Einstein

  His name is synonymous with «genius,» but these essays by the renowned physicist and scholar are accessible to any reader. In addition to outlining the core of relativity theory in everyday language, Albert Einstein presents fascinating discussions of other scientific fields to which he made significant contributions. The Nobel Laureate also profiles some of history's most influential physicists, upon whose studies his own work was based.As
 Figuring the Population Bomb
 Figuring the Population Bomb

 Автор: Carole R. McCann

  Figuring the Population Bomb traces the genealogy of twentieth-century demographic �facts� that created a mathematical panic about a looming population explosion. This narrative was popularized in the 1970s in Paul Ehrlich�s best-selling book The Population Bomb, which pathologized population growth in the Global South by presenting a doomsday scenario of widespread starvation resulting from that growth. Carole M

 China's Transition to Modernity
 China's Transition to Modernity

 Автор: Minghui Hu

  The figure of Dai Zhen (1724–1777) looms large in modern Chinese intellectual history. Dai was a mathematical astronomer and influential polymath who, along with like-minded scholars, sought to balance understandings of science, technology, and history within the framework of classical Chinese writings. Exploring ideas in fields as broad-ranging as astronomy, geography, governance, phonology, and etymology, Dai grappled with Western ideas and ph
 2,637 Years of Physics from Thales of Miletos to the Modern Era
 2,637 Years of Physics from Thales of Miletos to the Modern Era

 Автор: Sheldon Cohen

  This book describes the great pioneers of the last 2,637 years who systematically put together all the advances in the science of physics from the infinitesimally tiny to the massive universe.
 The Polio Hole
 The Polio Hole

 Автор: Shelley JD Mickle

  As a five-year-old, Shelley Fraser is known for mischief.<br><br>On Halloween in l949, she fancies her brother&#39;s devil costume and persuades her mother to hem it up for her. But her plan to scare the total baloney out of the neighbor&#39;s babies backfires. <br><br>At kindergarten, she throws a six-year-old birthday party never to be forgotten, falls in love at juice time, and learns to read. <br><br&
 Chemical History
 Chemical History

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Life Saving Drugs
 Life Saving Drugs

 Автор: John Mann
 A History of Beer and Brewing
 A History of Beer and Brewing

 Автор: Ian S Hornsey
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