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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Manual of Diagnostic Cytology of the Dog and Cat
 Manual of Diagnostic Cytology of the Dog and Cat

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Wish you could interpret cytological specimens in practice rather than paying a lab to do it for you? Want to provide your clients with a faster service? Manual of Diagnostic Cytology of the Dog and Cat is the ideal quick reference for the busy veterinarian in first opinion practice. It describes techniques for obtaining good quality cytological diagnostic specimens, and guides you through the interpretation of cytological findings. Created to b
 Practical Physiotherapy for Veterinary Nurses
 Practical Physiotherapy for Veterinary Nurses

 Автор: Donna Carver

  Reflecting a rapidly growing area of interest in veterinary practice, this practical, pocket-sized guide to small animal physiotherapy has been designed for quick reference, providing the ideal guide for busy practice veterinary nurses when they really need it. Reflects the need for a text in this rapidly growing area of interest, providing the first on this topic for veterinary nurses Designed in a pocket-sized format so that VNs can carry it a
 Notes on Feline Internal Medicine
 Notes on Feline Internal Medicine

 Автор: Kit Sturgess

  Helping you get started with a problem solving approach to a sick cat. Notes on Feline Internal Medicine 2nd edition is part of a popular series specifically designed, through an accessible note-based style, to ensure veterinarians and students have quick and easy access to comprehensive and practical clinical and diagnostic information. Distinct differences exist between cats and dogs not only in their physiology and metabolism but also in the

 Cardiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses
 Cardiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Cardiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is a comprehensive resource for veterinary technicians and nurses working with cardiovascular patients in veterinary practice. Offers a complete reference to veterinary cardiology targeted at veterinary technicians and nurses, summarizing fundamental knowledge on cardiovascular disease Covers dogs, cats, horses, ruminants, and camelids Provides information ranging from introductory to advanced for
 Nutritional Management of Equine Diseases and Special Cases
 Nutritional Management of Equine Diseases and Special Cases

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Nutritional Management of Equine Diseases and Special Cases offers a concise, easy-to-comprehend text for equine veterinarians with questions about commonly encountered nutritional problems. Assists veterinarians in supporting equine patients with special nutritional needs Focuses on nutritional problems and impact on different body systems Covers ponies, miniature horses, draft horses, donkeys, and mules Offers complete coverage of common disea
 Practical Transfusion Medicine for the Small Animal Practitioner
 Practical Transfusion Medicine for the Small Animal Practitioner

 Автор: Carolyn A. Sink

  Practical Transfusion Medicine for the Small Animal Practitioner, Second Edition provides clinically oriented guidance on all aspects of blood banking, compatibility testing, and patient blood management for dogs and cats. Presents procedures for blood collection, processing, and storage in the veterinary setting Describes blood components and their key uses Provides an overview of blood collection techniques and systems, emphasizing popular con
 Two-Dimensional and M-Mode Echocardiography for the Small Animal Practitioner
 Two-Dimensional and M-Mode Echocardiography for the Small Animal Practitioner

 Автор: June A. Boon

  Two-Dimensional and M-Mode Echocardiography for the Small Animal Practitioner provides a concise, accessible manual of basic two-dimensional and m-mode echocardiography. Offers fast access to practical advice on obtaining and evaluating echocardiograms using two-dimensional and m-mode techniques Provides easy reference to the common features of the most common acquired cardiac diseases Designed for ease of use, with concise, bulleted text and 16
 Crow and Walshaw's Manual of Clinical Procedures in Dogs, Cats, Rabbits and Rodents
 Crow and Walshaw's Manual of Clinical Procedures in Dogs, Cats, Rabbits and Rodents

 Автор: Jennifer Boyle

  Crow & Walshaw's Manual of Clinical Procedures in Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, & Rodents, Fourth Edition provides practical, up-to-date information on common veterinary procedures for gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, dogs, cats and rabbits with detailed line drawings and photographs that demonstrate not only pertinent anatomical relationships, but also operational motions. A classic veterinary clinical manual Provides practical, up-to-date information on
 Questions and Answers in Small Animal Anesthesia
 Questions and Answers in Small Animal Anesthesia

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Questions and Answers in Small Animal Anesthesia provides practical and logical guidance for a wide range of anesthesia questions commonly faced in veterinary medicine. • Gives concrete answers to questions about anesthesia likely to be faced in small animal practice • Explains why experienced anesthesiologists make the choices they do • Provides concise yet comprehensive coverage of anesthetic management using an engaging question-and-answer fo
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