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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Hand-Rearing Birds
 Hand-Rearing Birds

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 Feline Diagnostic Imaging
 Feline Diagnostic Imaging

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 Xie's Chinese Veterinary Herbology
 Xie's Chinese Veterinary Herbology

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 Canine Lameness
 Canine Lameness

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 An Alligator in the Bathroom…And Other Stories
 An Alligator in the Bathroom…And Other Stories

 Автор: Carter Langdale

  THE HUMAN IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE TOP ANIMAL. BUT EVERY ONE OF THESE TRUE STORIES SHOWS HOW NONSENSICAL THAT IDEA CAN BE.<br>Back in the day, Carter Langdale’s job could be summed up easily: solve every problem that has anything whatever to do with animals. He had an official RSPCA brass plaque outside his Yorkshire home. He was a local figure, like the doctor or dentist, the village postmistress, the vicar, the vet or the undertaker, and so
 ECG Interpretation in Equine Practice
 ECG Interpretation in Equine Practice

 Автор: Katharyn Mitchell

  Advances in veterinary medical technology now provide easier and more affordable access to equine ECG recording and transmitting equipment, making ECG recordings a useful tool for equine veterinarians in both field and hospital settings.
Covering the basics of equine ECG recording, analyses and interpretation, this book provides a practical approach with details of how to get the most information out of your ECG recordings. The only book
 The Slaughter of Farmed Animals
 The Slaughter of Farmed Animals

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This book provides both evidence-based scientific studies and practical guidance to enhance the welfare of cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry at slaughter. Temple Grandin and Michael Cockram have brought together a range of international experts to prepare chapters on philosophical and ethical views on the slaughter of farmed animals. These include welfare issues and their assessment, the condition of animals on arrival and their management during
 The Economics of Farm Animal Welfare
 The Economics of Farm Animal Welfare

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This landmark new text charts the latest developments in economic research relevant to farm animal welfare. A range of global experts and key opinion leaders outline the challenges in achieving sustainable livestock production while improving farm profit, climate change and animal welfare, and make policy-relevant recommendations for the future.
This is a theoretical yet practical book that examines:
– the origins of farm a
 That Sheep May Safely Graze
 That Sheep May Safely Graze

 Автор: David M. Sherman

  The very mention of Afghanistan conjures images of war, international power politics, the opium trade, and widespread corruption. Yet the untold story of Afghanistan’s seemingly endless misfortune is the disruptive impact that prolonged conflict has had on ordinary rural Afghans, their culture, and the timeless relationship they share with their land and animals. In rural Afghanistan, when animals die, livelihoods are lost, families and communit
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