Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition is an up-to-date, comprehensive reference for both wild and cultivated toxic plants on the North American continent. In addition to compiling and presenting information about the toxicology and classification of these plants published in the years since the appearance of the first edition, this edition significantly expands coverage of human and wildlife—both free-roaming and captive—intoxications an ...
Canine and Feline Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease is the first book to draw together clinically relevant information on the anesthetic management of dogs and cats with existing disease conditions. Providing a detailed reference on avoiding and managing complications resulting from concurrent disease, the book offers a ready reference for handling anesthesia in patients with common presenting diseases. Organized by body system, Canine and Feli ...
Now in its fourth edition, Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits has become a standard text for veterinary pathologists, laboratory animal veterinarians, students, and others interested in these species. • The standard reference on the pathogenesis and cardinal diagnostic features of diseases of mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and rabbits • Expanded coverage of rabbit disease, normal anatomic features, and biology • Over 450 co ...
Pathology of Pet and Aviary Birds, Second Edition provides a comprehensive reference to the gross and histologic features of diseases seen in pet and aviary birds, with more than 850 images depicting disease lesions. • Provides a complete resource for identifying both common and not-so-common diseases in a wide range of avian species • Includes more than 850 full-color images to show disease lesions • Offers context for the interpretation of pat ...
Biology and Diseases of the Ferret, Third Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to provide a current, comprehensive reference on the ferret. Encyclopedic in scope, it is the only book to focus on the characteristics that make the ferret an important research animal, with detailed information on conditions, procedures, and treatments. Offering basic information on biology, husbandry, clinical medicine, and surgery, as well as unique inf ...
Errors in Veterinary Anesthesia is the first book to offer a candid examination of what can go wrong when anesthetizing veterinary patients and to discuss how we can learn from mistakes. Discusses the origins of errors and how to learn from mistakes Covers common mistakes in veterinary anesthesia Provides strategies for avoiding errors in anesthetizing small and large animal patients Offers tips and tricks to implement in clinical practice Prese ...
A thoroughly updated edition of this essential reference guide for physiotherapists and physical therapists, looking to apply the proven benefits of physiotherapy to the treatment of companion and performance animals. Seven new chapters provide greatly expanded coverage of practical treatment and rehabilitation Includes reviews of different physiotherapy techniques, drawing on both human and animal literature Discusses approaches in small animal ...
Equine Fluid Therapy is the first reference to draw equine-specific fluid therapy information together into a single, comprehensive resource. Offering current information unique to horses on the research and practice of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders, the book is designed to be clinically oriented yet thorough, providing detailed strategies tailored to equine practice. With information ranging from physiology and acid-base balance t ...
Laser Therapy in Veterinary Medicine: Photobiomodulation is a complete guide to using therapeutic lasers to treat veterinary patients, focusing on practical information. Offers a comprehensive resource for incorporating therapeutic lasers in veterinary practice Focuses on practical information tailored for the veterinary clinic Written by 37 leading experts in veterinary laser therapy Provides a thorough foundation on this standard-of-care modal ...