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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Вероучения в буддизме
 Perfect Clarity
 Perfect Clarity

 Автор: Longchen Rabjam

  For practitioners on the paths of Dzogchen and Mahamudra, one of the greatest joys is to personally receive oral instructions from a realized teacher. The excitement of being able to train based on that advice is further enhanced by the stimulation and support that guidance manuals provide. All of the selections presented in Perfect Clarity offer incredible teachings that are inspiring and vital. Pith instructions are so simple and direct that w
 Treasures from Juniper Ridge
 Treasures from Juniper Ridge

 Автор: Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche

  Treasures from Juniper Ridge combines meditation and pith practiceinstructions in a way that is easy to apply and comprehend. It is a compilationof discovered teachings, termas, by the greatest master of VajrayanaBuddhism, Padmasambhava, hidden by his female disciple, Yeshe Tsogyal.Treasures is replete with pieces that are direct, profound, fresh, and pertinentto our times.These various revelations are for all levels of practitioners. They provi
 Quintessential Dzogchen
 Quintessential Dzogchen

 Автор: Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

  Quintessential Dzogchen elucidates how our confusion can dawn aswisdom. Arranged for the simple meditator, these pithy instructionsstrike the heart of the Buddha’s teachings by explaining how to bothacknowledge and train in your own enlightened essence.Quintessential Dzogchen is an invaluable handbook replete with sourcematerials for those who seek further guidance. In forty-two writings bysome of the greatest masters, both past and pr

 Walk Like a Mountain
 Walk Like a Mountain

 Автор: Innen Ray Parchelo

  Walk Like a Mountain is the definitive guide to walking as Buddhist practice, not just for the serious practitioner but for anyone who wants to bring more contemplative depth to their everyday walks. From kinhin during zazen sessions to pilgrimage and beyond, this handbook offers the “how-to” with clarity and insight. Posture, hand positions and foot mechanics are merely the beginning. Other topics that are addressed in this comprehensive book i
 Natural Appearances, Natural Liberation
 Natural Appearances, Natural Liberation

 Автор: Master Shek-wing Tam

  This commentary is based on the six bardos teachings from a series of hidden treasure texts known as the Profound Dharma of Natural Liberation through the Intention of the Peaceful and Wrathful Ones (Zab chos zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol), discovered by the great terton Karma Lingpa in the fourteenth century. The word “bardo,” made popular in the West through the English translation of the Bardo Thodol or The Tibetan Book of the Dead, which also
 An American Buddhist Life
 An American Buddhist Life

 Автор: Charles Prebish

  From the beginning of Charles Prebish’s involvement with Buddhism in 1965, Buddhism has made huge inroads on the North American continent, and world-wide, both in terms of its scholarship and globalization. He has been fortunate enough to know and work with an incredible group of brilliant scholars who remain alive: Luis Gomez, Lewis Lancaster, Donald Swearer, Frank Reynolds, Stanley Weinstein, Jeffrey Hopkins, Robert Thurman and others. Unfortu
 Lama Chopa
 Lama Chopa

 Автор: Panchen Lozang Chokyi Gyaltsen

  Lama Chopa is a practice of guru devotion special to the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. In Sanskrit, lama is guru, and chopa is offering, so Lama Chopa translates into English as “offering to the spiritual guide.” In the Gelugpa tradition, there are many guru yoga sadhanas, but Lama Chopa is the most popular and sacred text. A special practice of Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), the founder of the Gelugpa School, Lama Chopa was compiled by the
 Rimey Lama Chopa
 Rimey Lama Chopa

 Автор: Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

  Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (1910-1991) was one of the greatest Tibetan Buddhist teachers of the 20th century. While a practitioner in the Nyingma lineage, he held empowerments and teachings from many traditions and was a strong supporter of the Rimey non-sectarian movement. This Rimey Lama Chopa is a liturgical guruyoga text encompassing all stages of the Path to Enlightenment, with special emphasis on the Eight Chariots Rimey lineages. Lama Chopa
 The Dhammapada (Wisehouse Classics - The Complete & Authoritative Edition)
 The Dhammapada (Wisehouse Classics - The Complete & Authoritative Edition)

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The DHAMMAPADA is a collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form and one of the most widely read and best known Buddhist scriptures. The original version of the DHAMMAPADA is in the Khuddaka Nikaya, a division of the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism. The Buddhist scholar and commentator Buddhaghosa explains that each saying recorded in the collection was made on a different occasion in response to a unique situation that had arisen in th
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