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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Вероучения в буддизме
 Simple Tibetan Buddhism
 Simple Tibetan Buddhism

 Автор: Annellen Simpkins M.

  What is Tantra? Tantra techniques are very ancient and some form is found in many ancient cultures. The Sanskrit word tantra implies continuation, weaving together, but there is no real single definition. Tantra includes many sets of techniques, usually action-oriented, to weave together mind and body. Simple Tibetan Buddhism: A Guide to Tantric Living offers:a concise introduction to the unique history and traditions of Tibetan Buddhisma cl
 Hundred Thousand Songs
 Hundred Thousand Songs

 Автор: Antoinette K. Gordon

  This collection of Tibetan poetry and lyrics is accompanied by extensive commentary and offers a great insight into a rich literary culture.Tibet, remote and inaccessible, is less known to the western world for its literary than its artistic contributions to world culture. Nevertheless, it has produced a literature of enduring beauty and significance, the supreme achievement of which is the poetry of Milarepa, its greatest poet and saint.This Ti
 Seven Little Known Birds of the Inner Eye
 Seven Little Known Birds of the Inner Eye

 Автор: Mulk Raj Anand

  In this fascinating, informal approach to art appreciation, an eminent Indian scholar reveals the crucial difference between merely looking at and really seeing painting and sculpture, drawing and architecture. And to the open-minded and sensitive observer, he shows how simple perceptions can be transmuted into darshana—the pure delight of union with the inner life of a work of art.The presentation is poetic, not technical, directed tow

 Simple Guides: Theravada Buddhism (Unabridged)
 Simple Guides: Theravada Buddhism (Unabridged)

 Автор: Diana St. Ruth

  This book will help you appreciate the timeless wisdom of the oldest form of Buddhism in existence, understand what it means to be a Buddhist, recognize the key practices and traditions of Theravada Buddhism, and avoid faux pas in conversation-both in traveling and personal relationships. Access the world's religions through this entry in this series of simple guides that provide concise, accessible introductions to the world's major r
 Buddhist-Christian Dialogue as Theological Exchange
 Buddhist-Christian Dialogue as Theological Exchange

 Автор: Ernest M. Valea

  This book is intended to encourage the use of comparative theology in contemporary Buddhist-Christian dialogue as a new approach that would truly respect each religious tradition's uniqueness and make dialogue beneficial for all participants interested in a real theological exchange.
As a result of the impasse reached by the current theologies of religions (exclusivism, inclusivism, and pluralism) in formulating a constructive appr
 Buddhism in the Light of Christ
 Buddhism in the Light of Christ

 Автор: Esther Baker

  Buddhism's influence is growing in the West, as seen in the widespread use of «Buddhist mindfulness apps» in people's attempts to unwind, or the casual use of words like «nirvana» and «karma» that have crept into the English language. Whether we meet it in the East or West, what is Buddhism? What is at the heart of its teachings? How does Buddhism differ from Christianity, and are they compatible? Through a collection of true short st

 Автор: Alan Watts

  Zen is a facsimile gift edition of a rare early work by Watts, first published in 1948. Features chapter-opening ink drawings and calligraphy by Watts Watts’s lectures frequently appear on YouTube, with some accompanied by animation or electronic music. Several Facebook pages host ongoing discussions of Watts’s work, collectively generating hundreds of thousands of likes.
 The Dhammapada
 The Dhammapada

 Автор: Anonymous

  For students of Buddhism «The Dhammapada» is a must-read. This historic collection gathers various words spoken by the leader and founder of Buddhism. Each of the phrases in verse form coincides with a specific event that happened in Buddha's life, and he offers words of wisdom to shed light on these situations. This text is a staple in the Buddhist religion and is widely known as one of the most famous books in Eastern culture. Even though
 Wisdom in Exile
 Wisdom in Exile

 Автор: Lama Jampa Thaye

  Buddhism has the chance to blend with Western culture like never before. But does Buddhism really need to be adapted to western science or politics? Or is it we ourselves who need to change our deep-rooted assumptions about what Buddha’s teachings really are?
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