With practical advice for survival situations from the relatively likely (such as needing to build a fire in the rain) to the extreme (skin and cook a snake) to the just plain awesome (make a blowgun), this book could save your life, as well as providing a fascinating armchair read. Geared to the hunter or fisherman, but with something for almost everyone who loves the great outdoors, this is the book you want to be sure you throw in your backpa ...
This antiquarian volume contains a comprehensive and novice-friendly guide to swimming. With information on the breast-stroke, the leg stroke, the arm movements, the side stroke, and swimming on your back – this timeless guide is ideal for anyone with an interest in improving their swimming skills, and would make for a great addition to collections of vintage sporting literature. William Henry (1859 – 1928) was a British freestyle swimmer. He co ...
Indian clubs', or 'Iranian clubs' belong to a category of exercise equipment used for developing strength, and in juggling. In appearance, they resemble elongated bowling-pins, and are commonly made out of wood. They come in all shapes and sizes however, ranging from a few pounds each, to fifty pounds, and are commonly swung in certain patterns as part of exercise programs. They were often used in class formats, predomina ...
Edward Power sets the reader down in the midst of a February 2017 blizzard that raked Utah’s Uinta Range as nine snowboarders made their way into the backcountry for a day of intense adventure. As the boarders were taking their first turns, expert avalanche forecaster Craig Gordon was tracking the storm and its impact, posting one of the most dire avalanche forecasts and warnings in his career.<br><br> In <i>Dragons in the Sno ...
В спорте нет мелочей.Эта книга поможет избежать ошибок, которые делают начинающие, а порой и профессиональные спортсмены.Чтобы, столкнувшись с любой ситуацией, описанной в ней, ты мог бы сказать: «Я знаю, что с этим делать».
GaWaNi Pony Boy's unique approach to horses is captured in these five books from BowTie Press. GaWaNi Pony Boy is the founder and president of lyuptala University (lyuptala means «one-with» in Lakota), and online college that allows horse lovers to expand their knowledge of these magnificent animals. He regularly writes for equine publications throughout the United States and Europe. ...