Tolkinud Jana Linnart Toimetanud Katrin Naber Kujundanud Liis Karu Kirjastus Tanapaev. Amelie armastas Reese'i. Ja arvas, et mees armastab ka teda. Kuid siis tekkis tunne, et armastus ei peaks olema nii valus. Nii hakkabki ta oma lugu lahti harutama, kulastades koiki kohti, kus Reese on ta nutma ajanud. Sest kui ta suudab aru saada, mis valesti laks, saab ta ehk lopuks ka selgeks, kuidas sellest mehest ule saada.
"Лживая взрослая жизнь" – это захватывающий, психологически тонкий и точный роман о том, как нелегко взрослеть. Главной героине, она же рассказчица, на самом пороге юности приходится узнать множество семейных тайн, справиться с грузом которых было бы трудно любому взрослому. Предательство близких, ненависть и злобные пересуды, переходящая из рук в руки драгоценность, одновременно объединяющая и сеющая раздоры… И первая любовь, и первые поцелуи, ...
In a village in Venda, Thandeka has a chance encounter with a business tycoon that offers her the words of comfort she has been longing to hear. They don’t exchange names but she is shocked to learn from a friend that he is a serial womaniser. Gundo is delighted when the beautiful woman he met in Venda shows up as a cleaner at his company in Johannesburg. He would love to get to know Thandeka better. He doesn’t realise that she has been misinfor ...
Alexandra Chreiteh's Ali and his Russian Mother is at once an ordinary and extraordinary story of two young people in Lebanon. At the outbreak of the July War in 2006, the novel's unnamed young protagonist reconnects with her childhood friend and develops a little crush on him, as they flee the bombs unleashed upon their country by Israel. Displaced, along with a million others across the country, she and her Russian mother have joined ...