Bomplanters, sluipmoordenaars, saboteurs. Almal Afrikaners. Kragstasies is opgeblaas en politieke moorde uitgevoer. Die terreurveldtog van militante Afrikaners, wat die land in die 1940's naby aan die afgrond van anargie gebring het, is vandag grootliks vergete. Daar was spioenasie-intriges, opspraakwekkende hoogverraadsake en gewaagde ontsnappingspogings. Maar om politieke redes is hierdie hoofstuk in ons geskiedenis dekades lank diep begr ...
Nearly two decades after he was anointed by Nelson Mandela as his successor, Cyril Ramaphosa has at last taken office as the president of South Africa. But the country Ramaphosa has inherited is very different from the rainbow nation that Mandela led in the 1990s. The South Africa of 2018 is divided and caught in a web of state capture, corruption, poverty and despair. The Zuma years have left the country and its institutions battered and bruise ...
The ANC has governed South Africa for more than two decades but its iron grip is slipping. For the first time since the advent of democracy in 1994 there is no guarantee that it will retain power. If ANC support drops below 50% in the 2019 elections, the political landscape will be transformed dramatically: we will be governed by a coalition, and the consequences will be felt by everyone. One of South Africa's brightest political minds, Leo ...
Helen Joseph, founding member of the ANC’s ally, the Congress of Democrats, was one of the main organisers in the Women’s March of 9 August 1956. Arrested on a charge of high treason in 1956, and banned the next year, Helen suffered constant persecution. The first person in South Africa to be placed under house arrest, she survived several assassination attempts. In this personal account, Joseph writes about enduring the Treason Trial – one of t ...
Investigative journalist Jacques Pauw exposes the darkest secret at the heart of Jacob Zuma’s compromised government: a cancerous cabal that eliminates the president’s enemies and purges the law-enforcement agencies of good men and women. As Zuma fights for his political life following the 2017 Gupta emails leak, this cabal – the president’s keepers – ensures that after years of ruinous rule, he remains in power and out of prison. But is Zuma th ...
South African politics is riddled with delusions. Many common political arguments come pre-packaged in an old and dusty box – but the self-evident truths are not, in fact, so indisputable. Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh sets out to dismantle that box. He argues that free education is far from impossible, the ANC's liberation narrative is too idyllic to swallow, land reform is not the first step to chaos, and the media is not free… In this incisive, info ...
In die vroee 1990's is Suid-Afrika op 'n mespunt. Nelson Mandela is uiteindelik vry, maar 'n vreedsame politieke oorgang lyk byna onmoontlik. Links en regs staan gereed om die wapen op te neem. Te midde van die dreigende geweld, met die land se toekoms op die spel, kom die grootliks onvoorbereide en koerslose NP-regering teen die ANC te staan by Kodesa. As hoof van die Nasionale Intelligensiediens (NI) is Niel Barnard sentraal tot ...
It is the early 1990s and South Africa is on a knife-edge. Nelson Mandela is free at last, but a peaceful political transition looks virtually impossible. Both sides of the political divide, the left and the right, are poised to take up arms. In the midst of this threat of violence, with the future of the country at stake, the largely unprepared and rudderless NP government faced the ANC at the negotiation table at Codesa. As head of National In ...
Mark Heywood plays a pivotal role in South African public life and the movement for social justice. He has spearheaded momentous victories for poor people, establishing the right to antiretroviral treatment and to textbooks in schools among others. Executive Director of SECTION27 and a key figure in #SaveSouthAfrica, #UniteAgainstCorruption and the Treatment Action Campaign, Heywood has inside experience of tough campaigns and what it takes to m ...